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Mikoto arrived at the estranged riverbank in the morning, wanting to relax before having to tackle being around people later in the day. He walked closer and saw Reisi's bag and long since melted ice sitting comfortably in the crab grass. He assumed Reisi had forgotten his things until he saw him off to the side, collapsed.

"Reisi!?" he called out, hurrying to his side and shaking him. "Reisi, answer me!"

Mikoto started to panic, reaching to call for an ambulance only for a hand to stop him.

"I'm awake..." Reisi mumbled, slowly sitting up. "I'm... awake..."

"What happened? Did you not go home? Are conditions at home terribly unfavorable...?" Mikoto asked, worried that he might lose the person he's been able to talk to normally.

"I'm going home..." Reisi muttered, wobbling to his feet only to fall and be caught by Mikoto.

"You're coming with me." Mikoto said, grabbing Reisi's things after getting him onto his back.

˚ ༘♡˚ ༘♡

Mikoto personally watched over Reisi as he slept in his bed. His mother entered the room, checking up on her son and the strange boy he brought home. She quietly called Mikoto over, hoping he didn't bring in a homeless.

"Who is he?" she asked sternly.

"He's a friend. He goes to another school, but we happened to meet out on the streets and started nurturing a budding friendship." Mikoto explained. "Today must not be his lucky day, having collapsed and all..."

"Please, select your friends wisely. If he was collapsed outside like that for hours, that can't be anything good." she said with crossed arms. "After today, I don't want you meeting him anymore."

"Okay..." Mikoto muttered.

"Oh! Mina is coming over tomorrow. Though I won't be able to be with you both. You don't mind keeping her entertained until I or your father gets home, right?" she asked with a smile.

Mikoto stepped back a bit before retreating down the hall and back into his room. He never wanted to hear that name again. Mikoto's body trembled as he wrapped his arms around himself. Mina. Memories started to resurface. Mina. The moments he wanted to forget made themselves known over everything else. Mina. Mikoto coughed before puking.

He breathed heavily, his hand coated in vomit. He needed to tell his mother, but he didn't want to tell her the full truth. He didn't want to cause unnecessary worry. Mikoto weakly got to his feet and hurried to the bathroom to clean up his mess.

˚ ༘♡˚ ༘♡

Reisi opened his eyes and took in the dull ceiling above him. He sat up and saw Mikoto sleeping off close to the edge of the bed on the other side. He gently shook Mikoto who rolled over and now faced him.

"Well aren't you a cute sleeper." Reisi whispered, nudging his cheek with his finger.

Mikoto's eyes opened and he quickly sat up, looking around.

"Fuck, I fell asleep. I'm really sorry." Mikoto apologized.

"It's fine. I just woke up myself. So, this is your room? I expected more edgy shit from a so called delinquent." Reisi joked as he took in the tidy room. "It's rather homey."

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