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Mikoto made it his mission to visit Reisi every day, spending as much time as he could by his side. Each day he hoped and hoped that Reisi would finally open his eyes. He started out telling him about how his days went and things he's eaten to reading to him. He brought novels, manga, magazines, just about everything. He felt with some more interesting verbal stimulation, Reisi would wake up and greet him like he usually did.

The school year finished and everyone was officially on summer break. All his classmates were gleefully discussing summer plans while he left school in a foul mood. He had great summer plans for the both of them but now they'd be spending their summer indoors. He didn't mind all that much. He had hope that Reisi would awake soon. He didn't know why, but something told him they'd get to enjoy their summer together.

Days continued to pass and Reisi had remained in the same state that he had been in since the beginning. Mikoto felt his heart breaking. Reisi had to wake up. He was going to wake up. More days passed and still no signs of a change. Mikoto had gone home angry that day, now having a hole in his wall made by his fist.

Summer vacation ended and the school year had resumed. Everyone excitedly talked about how great summer was to each other. Mikoto sat in complete jealousy and hate. They had gotten to have fun summers with their friends and lovers. They were lucky unlike him. They weren't desperately waiting for their lover to wake up.

Mikoto had entered the hospital, holding a gift and a bag in his hands. He couldn't miss his birthday. He pulled the chair and table closer to Reisi then set everything on it. He gently caressed his cheek before sitting back down. Mikoto silently ate as he thought about his gift. Would Reisi like it? Would he hate it? He finished his meal before wishing Reisi a happy birthday and presenting the gift. He opened it then hooked the necklace around his neck. The blue charm rested comfortably on his chest that moved up and down in a rhythmic motion.

The term had gone by in the blink of an eye and soon the Christmas season was upon them. Everyone was excited about exchanging gifts while Mikoto had only wanted on thing. Reisi waking up healthy. Was it too much to ask for? What did he do to deserve such a cruel punishment? He quietly cried in his arms, the holiday spirit failing to make him jolly.

Mikoto sat in the hospital, holding his Christmas gift to Reisi. Machines beeped while Reisi lied motionless. He quietly unwrapped his gift, slipping the bracelet onto Reisi's wrist. He put on the matching one then stared at his lap. This wasn't how he wanted to spend Christmas. He should be listening to Christmas songs with his parents along with Reisi and his mother, opening gifts and sharing a delicious meal. Yet here was, lying in the hospital bed in a death like state. He couldn't say merry Christmas this year.

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some years later...

Mikoto quietly opened the door, closing the door behind him. He pulled the chair over then sat down. He placed the flowers on the table then looked at his still body.

"Hey, Reisi. Finally found some time to visit you." said Mikoto, clasping his hands. "Has your mom been visiting? Jin? Grandparents?"

Silence. He expected nothing less. He pushed his hair back then looked at his wrist. The bracelet he had gotten him Christmases ago still adorned his wrist. He sighed before sliding it off and putting it in his pocket.

"Nothing has changed for you, but a lot has for me. I've gotten into university and I'm majoring in psychology. I want to help others who have gone through traumatic situations like I have... It's a shit ton of work, but my goal keeps me going." said Mikoto, rubbing his hands together. "I wonder what you'd major in..."

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