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Reisi lied in bed, still unable to sleep. His mother allowed them to stay home thanks to his well made up lie. He looked to his side and saw Mikoto was still clinging to him. He felt guilty. He wouldn't have gotten into that situation if he hadn't gone. It was his fault that Mikoto had yet another memory to haunt him.

"I'm so sorry... I deserve to be punched, kicked, run over, stabbed, everything..." whispered Reisi, turning so he was facing Mikoto. "I'm supposed to be your safe haven yet..."

He found himself at a loss for words. Mikoto couldn't be around him anymore. He picked up his phone and waited for them to answer.

"Jin, I have something to ask you." said Reisi, getting straight to the point.

"Hello to you too. What's up?" Jin asked, making himself a smoothie.

"Can Mikoto live with you? I know, it's asking a lot but..." said Reisi, trailing off. He sighed heavily before continuing. "He doesn't have anywhere to go other than me... Don't tell him I told you but, he's been... raped. Numerous times. At home, at his best friend's by his best friend. Remember when he came over that day? He was raped the day before. And he was again, for my sake... I don't want it to happen again... so please..."

Mikoto snuggled closer to Reisi, a pleased smile on his face. He covered his mouth as he tried hiding his crying.

"I beg of you... for our sakes..." he said, his voice cracking anyway.

"Rei... I don't mind but, Mikoto doesn't really like me... or anyone in the house. How will we be able to get through to him? That's my main concern." said Jin, his heartbreaking ever so slowly each time Reisi sniffled.

"I'll figure something out... so is that a yes?" he asked, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah. I'll take care of him. I promise. Are you bringing him to me or should I come pick him up?" he asked, pouring his creation into a cup.

"A car would be faster so, you can pick us up. Swing by around one." he said before hanging up.

He looked at Mikoto again and nodded. This was best. It was strange. Not long ago they were strangers, now here they were, willing to do stupid things for the other. Would have things turned out differently had they not met? Probably. Maybe Mikoto would've gotten the help he needed. Maybe he wouldn't have decided to do drugs. So many different scenarios came to mind, some pleasant and others not so pleasant. He gently stroked Mikoto's hair then felt guilt hit him dead on again. He pulled away. He had no right to touch him anymore.

Mikoto started to stir then sat up as he yawned and rubbed his eyes. Reisi wasn't in bed. Did he go to school? Mikoto quietly left the bedroom and started to look into rooms for Reisi. He stopped by the kitchen and saw Reisi silently eating cereal.

"Rei." he called out. Reisi moved out of his reach. "Did I do something wrong...?"

"Yes. Yes, you did." replied Reisi, placing his bowl on the counter. "I told you to just buy his shit and leave. What about that was so hard to understand? What in that stupid brain of yours told you that giving your body to such a disgusting person was smart? You've already been through enough with that Mina woman and Tatara! Why would you do that to yourself?!"

"Because I didn't want you to be as scarred as I already am! You think you'll be okay, that you'll forget everything eventually, but no. That's not what happens. You remember, you'll become self conscious, you'll start becoming sensitive to little things around you until you become as broken as me! Is it wrong for me, someone already broken, wanting to keep someone I care about from becoming broken too!?" Mikoto yelled, upset that Reisi wasn't understanding his intentions.

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