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~Time skip: 2 weeks~

Reisi hung out in the janitor's closet as he skipped class. He finally got a rare card he had been dying for just as the door opened.

"Jin? What are you doing here?" he asked, finding it strange.

"Skipping class. Figured you'd be in here. Scoot over so I can sit." said Jin, moving Reisi.

"Why are you skipping class? Don't you have to maintain your reputation if you want your uni to keep your admission?" Reisi asked, putting his phone on sleep.

"Kind of, but I'd rather hang with you. We only have so much time left together. I'll graduate, go off to university, become busy and hardly have time for you." said Jin, lifting his face by his chin. "I want to win you over before I graduate."

"Win me over? In what sense?" Reisi asked.

Jin connected his lips with Reisi's then pulled away with a smile on his face.

"Now you understand?" asked Jin softly.

Reisi nodded in silence. It was the first time he found himself being chased rather than chasing. Jin was a great guy. Kind, caring, loyal to some extent, rich, handsome, the dream boyfriend everyone wanted. Yet he just couldn't imagine himself by his side in a few years. His mind shifted to Mikoto. Could he see himself with him in the future? Bright and clear. It was good to know they'd still be friends.

"Jin, are you sure you want to pursue me? You could date anyone in this school yet you're clinging to me. This is also going to reflect poorly on me, especially with the girls." said Reisi with a heavy sigh. "Thanks for the unnecessary trouble."

"Don't worry. No one knows I'm falling hard for you. They just think we're friends. And people know better than to mess with my friends." said Jin with his chest puffed out. "So, go on, flaunt it."

Reisi shook his head as he laughed. Jin was really something else.

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The bell rang, signaling the last class for the day was over. Reisi noticed a pair of hands place themselves on his desk. He looked up and let out a tired sigh. He didn't have the patience to deal with people like them.

"What? Going to beat up on me again? Go ahead, I don't care." said Reisi, leaving his bag and making his way out into the hall.

"Oh, we have something special planned." one said, him and his friend grabbing one of Reisi's arms.

Reisi silently let them carry him away while the third carried his and their belongings. He started to notice they were leaving school grounds, making him worry.

"You're all planning something dangerous aren't you?" Reisi muttered, getting a sense he was most likely in danger.

"Well, you certainly weren't at the top for no reason." said the third from behind him. "Yeah, we are doing something dangerous. It'll hurt you more than us."

"What makes you think I won't tell faculty about this?" he pressed.

"I doubt they'll listen to a has been stellar student." said the third with laughter. "You're one of us now."

They tossed him into an alley then picked up blunt objects they had hidden beforehand. Reisi stayed on the ground, seeing no point in standing up just to get knocked down again.

"Anything you want to say before we break your jaw?" the first asked, swinging his rod.

"Can I call someone? It'll only take a minute." said Reisi, needing to tell Mikoto he couldn't meet up with him after all.

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