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Jin patted Reisi's cheek, trying to wake him up. He tried a few more times only to get the same result. He started shaking his body, starting to worry as he was still unresponsive.

"Reisi..." he called out, pinching him.

Reisi wouldn't wake up. Jin hurried out of his room with Reisi in his arms. He ran into his father then quickly started explaining what was going on. His father suggested taking him to the hospital but Jin was reluctant as it seemed too extreme. To add on to his reluctance, he didn't want his father to learn that it might be a side effect of the drug Reisi was taking. He wouldn't let him hang around him anymore.

"I'll call one of my friends then. Go put him back down to rest." said his father before walking off.

Jin looked at the sleeping Reisi in his arms then shook his head. He didn't want Reisi to end up like others written about in the article. He wanted him to live a long life with him in it. He gently caressed his cheek before lying him back down on the bed. A phone started to ring, causing him to search around for it. It was Reisi's phone.

"Hello? Mikoto? This is Habari Jin, Reisi's senpai." said Jin, trying not to alarm him.

"Where is Reisi...?" Mikoto asked, sitting with his knees to his chest.

"He's over at my place? Do you have business with him? Oh, he can't exactly talk right now, he's in a real deep sleep." said Jin, running a hand over his forehead. "Would you like to come over?"

"It's... it's okay... It's not important..." he whispered, moving the phone from his ear.

"Wait, are you sure? As soon as he wakes up I'm sure he'd be glad to see you. He's told me so much about you last night. Reisi seems to really like you." said Jin with a smile.

He was quite jealous of how nicely and how much Reisi talked about Mikoto if he were too be honest.

"Do you mind telling me the address...? In case I change my mind..." Mikoto said, taking out paper and pen.

Jin told him his address then heard him hang up. Mikoto sure was mysterious. He looked at Reisi who's eyes were still closed.

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Jin entered the room just as the doctor was leaving. The doctor assured him Reisi was mostly okay, but his body was taking longer to recover because of the drug.

"So, what will happen if he continues to... use it?" Jin asked quietly, not wanting his father to overhear.

"He can die within a year or two. That is, if he continues to consume it at the rate he's been. However, if you can get him into rehab, he'll be able to live a pretty long life just like anyone else. If you can't, then I suggest creating a moderation consumption plan. With that he'll at most last a decade." said the doctor with a heavy sigh. "This drug honestly needs to be rounded up and banned around the world, mostly Japan."

He gave Jin a list of rehab centers before walking off.

"Wait!" Jin shouted. The doctor turned. "Don't tell my parents the real cause... they won't allow him around me if you do."

The doctor nodded then went on his way. Jin entered the room and saw Reisi stirring from his slumber. Jin hurried over to him then hugged him tight.

"What's going on...?" asked Reisi in confusion.

"You wouldn't wake up no matter what I did and it was already 11am. So I told my dad and he said to take you to a hospital and-" said Jin but was silenced by Reisi's finger.

"Get to the point." Reisi demanded, his head throbbing.

"My dad's friend who's a doctor came to check on you. He said you'll have a few years left if you continue at this rate." said Jin with a frown.

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