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Reisi skipped out on school and found himself standing outside of Mikoto's home. He couldn't have come over last night as his parents wouldn't allow him to leave after the stunt he pulled two nights ago. He pressed the doorbell and waited for a response. He hoped his mother didn't stay home. He pressed again but still received no answer. It then dawned on him where he could be.

Reisi found himself running down the streets. He didn't know why it never occurred to him before. He picked up his pace, hoping he was right.

Reisi came to a stop, breathing heavily. He looked up and saw a familiar red haired boy sitting by the water. He dragged himself over then sat beside him. He felt a weight on his shoulder and saw Mikoto was resting his head against his shoulder. He wasn't going to force him to talk.

"Skipping school?" he asked quietly.

"Just like you, Mikoto." Reisi replied.

Silence fell over them again. Mikoto turned and started to hug Reisi from the side. Reisi rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb.

"I'm sorry for replying back so late." said Reisi quietly.

"It's fine..." Mikoto whispered, focusing on the rhythm of his heartbeat rather than the haunting memories of yesterday night.

"Who was 'she'?" asked Reisi.

"Mina. Yanagami Mina. She's my mom's close friend." Mikoto replied, finding it easier to talk about than usual.

"I see. Judging from your texts, you don't like her. Do you have a picture? In case I run into her." Reisi asked.

Mikoto showed him an old group photo they took. Reisi memorized her face.

"Her hair is longer now. Past her shoulders." said Mikoto.

They sat in silence again. Reisi lied back, forcing Mikoto to do the same. Time passed by and it was after a car had passed that Mikoto started to sob quietly. Reisi looked at him as he hid his face from sight. He didn't ask questions. It was probably better that way.

"I don't want to live there anymore..." Mikoto whispered. "I don't want to see her face anymore..."

"Whose...?" Reisi asked.

"Mina..." Mikoto replied softly. "I'm thinking of staying with Tatara..."

"What about your parents? Won't they worry? Your mom really seems to care about you." said Reisi, remembering when he told him his mother didn't want him around.

"It's not like I'm going to just up and disappear without a word. I'll tell her I need to stay at his place for a project. Or something like that." Mikoto replied.

Reisi turned to face Mikoto then wiped his tears away with his thumb. Mikoto bit his lip then pulled away, feeling uncomfortable. He blinked, fully backing away. He was uncomfortable. Reisi looked at him curiously.

"I..." Mikoto said, having Reisi touch him again. "I..."

"Mikoto, where are-" Reisi said watching Mikoto run away from him. Did he do something wrong? "Mikoto..."

Reisi sat up then looked at the water. It wasn't worth it he told himself. It wasn't worth it. He gripped the crab grass. It wasn't worth it. He sighed heavily and took off after Mikoto. Why couldn't he leave well enough alone? Mikoto wasn't his problem.

"Mikoto! Mikoto!" he called out, wondering where he went. "Answer me please!"

He went through alleyways and back ways, hoping to find him. Why did he care? Mikoto's business wasn't really his business. Sure, they were probably at the point they'd consider each other that gray area between an acquaintance and a friend, but not close enough to really care about the other. It wasn't worth it.

Dependent✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora