Chapter 1~ Glimpses

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Chapter 1~ Glimpses

The raven haired boy sat behind his computer. His wings were folded neatly behind his back as he played Minecraft in front of his steam audience. He was a youtuber, quite a famous one, considering he had over a million subscribers. "Turn on face cam." a female robotic voice said. Not very long after, Zaks face and upper half of his body appeared on the top left of his screen. As usual his wings were unable to be seen on the stream, Zak didn't want anyone to know of the paralyzed bundle of feathers he called his wings. A smile was plastered on the boy's face as he heard a male screaming on the other side of the phone call. Zak, or Skeppy, had once again griefed his friend, BadBoyHalo's server. "SLASH SLASH UNDO, NOW!" Bad yelled. The only thing Skeppy could do was laugh uncontrollably. Bad started getting more and more angry, and Skeppy? He just continued laughing. At one point his left wing even shot out of place, showing a few metallic blue feathers on stream. The chat went crazy, but Skep didn't seem to notice it had even happened at all. After a few minutes of laughing, the chat forgot about Skeppy's wing showing, and Skep had undone the things he did to Bad's server. Skeppy apologized to Bad, just the usual. Soon after Skeppy ended his stream and left Teamspeak.

The raven haired boy allowed his wings- er, wing, to unfold and he lay down on his bed. He checked the time. "5 AM… Jesus…" Zak let out a small groan and got into a more comfortable position. Without even bothering to get ready to go to bed he pulled his blanket all the way up to his face and peacefully drifted off to sleep.


The next morning Zak woke up at 9 AM. He surely was tired, but decided to get up anyways. As he sat up on his bed he grabbed his phone off the nightstand, and squinted his eyes at the sudden brightness of the screen lighting up. Apart from the usual few notifications from twitter there was nothing to see. The boy got up from bed and went over to the bathroom, where he showered and brushed his teeth. After spending approximately 15 minutes in the bathroom he decided to go downstairs for some breakfast. Before he could even enter the kitchen his dog, Rocco, excitedly walked up to him. Zak smiled at his dog and gave him a pat on the head, and went over to one of the kitchen cabinets to grab some dog food. As soon as the dog food was all poured into the bowl the dog started eating. Zak went back to one of the cabinets. A sigh escaped the boy's mouth. He closed the cabinet door he had previously opened and went over to the fruit bowl that was resting on the kitchen table. He grabbed an apple. "I mean, I have to eat at least something…" he mentally stated.

After having eaten his "breakfast" Zak went back to edit some pre-recorded videos. He sat behind his desk for several hours, before falling asleep with his face resting on his keyboard. He woke up again around 2 PM. "Why can't I sleep like a normal person?" Zak questioned himself. He made a mental note to fix his sleep schedule. He grabbed his phone again and opened up twitter. His timeline was flooded with screencaps of glimpses of his wings, that showed last night. Zak sighed. Great. People were curious about why Zak never shows his wings. His fans always thought he didn't show them because they were ugly, or too personal, but now that bits of it were shown, his fans were very confused. They demanded an answer from Zak. After about 10 minutes of thinking Zak finally came up with a solution. The reason he didn't show his wings was simply "personal reasons". It wasn't a lie, but he still felt a bit bad for his fans. Oh well, nothing he could do about it. The least he wanted was for his fans to know about his paralyzed wing. People would make fun of him, they would laugh at him, or they would be disgusted, and disappointed… No. Zak shook the thoughts out of his head. No, they won't even find out in the first place, he was sure of that.


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