Chapter 6~ A stupid reason

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Chapter 6~ A stupid reason

Why does time always pass so slowly when you want it to pass quick? Why did it take so long for the minutes to roll along when you're waiting for something? My phone buzzed.

Sent 2:48 pm
Skeppy, get in ts! A6d is already there too!

Oh boy, now it's really about to happen. I was scared, very scared, I was terrified of all the scenarios my mind has just made up. But I knew I couldn't back out of this one. I had to. I got up from the couch and hesitantly went to my room, where I booted up my computer and joined teamspeak. I was immediately dragged into the channel A6d and BadBoyHalo were waiting in. It wasn't to my surprise at all. Of course they wanted to talk to me after I said such a stupid thing!

"Skeppy?" Bad asked?


"You there?" A6d's turn to talk.

More silence.

"Zak, please, you know you can trust us!" BadBoyHalo, or Darryl, exclaimed, with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, we think it's not pathetic at all! Some people are just unlucky, but that doesn't make you pathetic!" A6d, or Vincent, reassuringly added onto Darryl's words.

Again, the two who had just talked were met with silence from the other side.

"I- But I am pathetic! I can't even fly! God, I should have never told you guys…"

I started to sob, quiet enough for the other two not to hear. I heard two voices, but I was too lost in self-destructive thoughts to know what they were saying. My sobs got louder, and I desperately tried to suppress them, miserably failing. I left teamspeak. I couldn't take it anymore. Of course, my phone immediately blew up with incoming calls from Darryl and Vincent. I ignored them.

After having given myself some time to regain my posture, I went back into teamspeak. Before I was dragged back into my friends' channel I took a few deep breaths. As soon as I was dragged into the channel both of my friends started talking.

"Zak! Oh my goodness please don't leave like that!"

"Are you okay?"

I took another deep breath.

"I feel a bit better now…"

"Zak, what's going on?" The French boy asked.

I thought for a few seconds. What was going on?

"Well- as I told earlier, I can't fly and- I'm struggling with it- a lot."

I was met with silence.

"The reason I can't fly is-"

I paused for a moment, thinking of how to phrase my problem in the least pathetic way possible.

"-my right wing. It's paralyzed. I was born this way, and I have never been able to fly because of it…"

I looked down at my keyboard. I felt so ashamed, but relieved at the same time.

"And that's what you've been struggling with?" Vincent asked in disbelief.

"Well… I've been too afraid to tell anyone because-"

A short pause.

"Because you think people think it's pathetic?" Darryl finished my sentence.

"That too, and because I thought you two wouldn't want to be my friends anymore when I told you…"

A tear rolled down my cheek. I thought of the nightmare I had the other day.

"We would never not be your friend!"

"Exactly! A paralyzed wing is a stupid reason to not want to be friends with someone anymore!"

I felt happier. A lot.

"Thanks… That means a lot to me…"

I left the channel. I felt accomplished. A smile couldn't help but creep onto my face. And for the first time in a while, it wasn't a forced smile. No, it was truly a happy smile.

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