Chapter 7~ Things to think through

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Chapter 7~ Things to think through

[Vincents POV]

So. Zak left teamspeak. It was just me and Darryl now.

"Sooooooooo" I said.

"So what?" The other boy asked.

"So, how are we going to help Zak?" I demanded.

"What do you mean?"

I groaned, quietly. "Well, we have to help him somehow. He's clearly struggling with it!" I almost yelled.

"How? We can't just magically un-paralyze his wing!" Darryl sounded frustrated. Which is logical. How were we supposed to help him? The question lingered in my mind.

"I know…" I let out another groan. I was annoyed, frustrated, but mostly worries about my friend, Zak.

"I think I have an idea." Darryl's words immediately peaked my interest. 

"What, really? Tell me!"

"Okay, so you know how prosthetics exist, right?"

"Yeah, but they're super expensive!" I facepalmed. That was a stupid idea! And Darryl's fans think he's smart.

"I know! But what if we make one ourselves?" Darryl sounded like he had just found the solution to end global warming. He thought his own idea was so smart. Clearly he hadn't thought it through.

"Really? Don't you know how hard that is?" I said, almost in disbelief. Was he really that stupid?

"Well, yes. But we'll do it for our best friend, right?" A rhetorical question.

"Of course!" I shouted.

There were still some flaws in our plan, obviously. There were some things we hadn't thought through yet. For example, how are we going to cooperatively make him an artificial wing if none of us have even seen each other outside of minecraft? I said the last sentence out loud.

"Well, we could always plan a meetup. I know it'll be hard, but it's worth it!" Darryl sure was convinced of his plan.

"So, let's plan this meetup!" I was ecstatic. Not only would I be able to see my two best friend for the first time, but I would also be able to greatly help one of them.

~Small Timeskip~

Darryl and I were planning this meetup. It didn't take too much time, surprisingly. We still had some things to think through, and occasionally when thinking things through we would disagree with each other, every time leading into a small argument that would resolve with both of us refocusing on what we should do; help our friend. During one of our little arguments, a robotic voice said the sentence that we have both heard many times before.

User has joined your channel

"Please, don't tell anyone else about my wing though!"

User has left your channel

Darryl and I both burst out laughing, completely forgetting about our argument. I then grabbed my phone and texted Zak.

Sent 10:49 pm
of course I wont!


A/n: bit of a short chapter. I wasn't very inspired to write today, but I hope you guys enjoy this build-up chapter regardless :)
Also, I've written this with my mind on other things, so please tell me if a part doesn't make sense!

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