Chapter 18~ Language!

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Chapter 18~ Language!




The ringing noise abrubtly stopped after the source of the sound was slammed silent. Zak really didn't want to get out of bed, but he knew he had to. Today was the day, wasn't it?

After a few minutes of contemplating whether to get out of bed or go back to sleep, he decides it would be best not to ditch his friends. So he got up.

He performed his normal morning routine, being getting out of bed, showering and brushing teeth, eating breakfast, walking Rocco and give him his breakfast, and checking his phone for important notifications. In that order. Today there was an important message. One from the "The Trio" group chat. Zak got invited to a video with his friends. Not exactly his plan, but it could work. The three messaged back and forth for a while, until they settled on a time and a video topic each of the boys were ok with, which took some time, now that Vincent is back in France, and thus back in another timezone.

Why does time always go by so slowly when don't want it to? Every tick coming from the clock, every second passing by, it seemed like they only lasted longer and longer. Until Zak's alarm went off.

"Fuck.." he whispered underneath his breath, like anyone would hear him, anyways.

Zak raced upstairs to his computer, or recording room, to boot up his computer. Once done, he joined a teamspeak channel and waited to get dragged into another channel while booting up minecraft, as well. 

The video would be fun little challenges, just like they always used to do before the, erm- "fight". What Zak didn't know was, that his friends, and especially the oh so forgiving Darryl, actually were missing him.

And then he got dragged into another teamspeak channel.

"Um, hi…" Zak spoke

Vincent wasn't in the teamspeak channel yet, so it was obviously Darryl who replied to him.

"Hello! How are you doing? I haven't spoken to you in ages, oh my goodness!"

Darryl's happy and sounds-like-nothing-ever-happened voice left Zak puzzled. While anxiety and guilt has been eating him up, how come his friend don't feel the same way?

"Alright, I guess…" he mumbled.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Uh- yeah, better than losing friends, anyways."

"Wait, what do you mean, losing friends?"

"Well… I kind of ignored you, and Vince, for um, how long was it? Too long, at least. And besides that, I've been so unnecessarily rude towards the both of you! I'm a horrible fucking friend, I don't understand why you even want to be my friends anymore…"

It felt kind of good to get this all out. Especially now that it's been bothering for such a long time.

"Hey, language!"


"And why wouldn't we be your friends? We care about you, Zak, and friends sometimes are rude towards each other, and sometimes it's unnecessary, yes, but does that make you less of a friend?"

Zak stayed quiet for a bit, just to let it all sink in.

"I guess…"

"You're my best friend, Zak, I would never want to lose our friendship, especially not over something stupid like this."

"Hey, it's not stupid. I've really been struggling with this."

"Oh sorry! But you get what I mean, right?"

"Yeah, I guess I do."

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