Chapter 9~ Life changing

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Chapter 9~ Life changing

I was feeling anxious. I didn't know why, though. I just had a bad feeling.

Several days have passed since I told my friends about my wing. I felt a lot better. You know, at first I felt like telling them would only be shoving my problems onto other people, but right now, after I have actually told people, I feel so differently about it. It helped me. It really did feel like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. And my friends were very accepting of my problem too. They didn't make fun of me, like I expected. They didn't think I was weak, or pathetic, no. They even said it was brave of me to tell them! And honestly, I feel like I deserve that compliment. Not because I'm narcissistic, but because I've told myself, for so long, that I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve compliments, either. And then receiving one, and feeling like it is actually deserved. That's recovering. That's climbing out of a hole. That's doing yourself a favor. That's loving and accepting yourself. And I needed that. That's why I'm so grateful for the friends I have. They make me feel better, they care about me, they help me. I couldn't wish for anything better.

[Darryl's POV / first person]

Days of hard work. Weeks of hard work. Months- no, it hasn't been a month yet. Anyways, you get my point. Lots of hard work had been put into planning it all out. Vincent and I have been brainstorming for actual days. And it was all worth it

Because we managed to plan out everything! It took a lot of time, and a lot of hard work, but we did it! 

"So. We will be meeting up at the hotel in 2 days, right?" The French man demanded.

"Yup! I've already got my bags packed and everything!" I was ecstatic. Not only would I be able to meet up with two of my best friends, for the first time in my life, mind you, but also, I was going to change one's life! At least, that's what I assumed. Being born not able to fly, and then suddenly being able to, that would be life changing for me!


Mhm, bags ready, important stuff collected- or hidden, in case anyone would try to break in while I'm gone, and my rats taken care of (my friend will be taking care of them), I was so ready to meet up with my friends! One more night of sleep, a boring and long day, followed by another night of (probably restless) sleep, and then I would have to get up at 5 in the morning, and go to the airport to catch my flight. It's going to be amazing!

[3rd person]

Both Darryl and Vincent have spent their remaining day trying to gather more information about artificial wings. They had found out which materials to use, and which shape is the most practical… They really had thought everything through, and they were very ready to meet up.


A/n: For the ones who think it's becoming boring, I promise next chapter will be the flights/meetup! Also, I've decided on altering the main storyline a bit... But how exactly? That'll remain a surprise! 'Till the next chapter!

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