Chapter 15~ Landing

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Chapter 15~ Landing
Tw: Blood, blacking out

Pressing the button, the prosthetic started moving. Zak adjusted the movement of his other wing to match that of the prosthetic, to move and fly in perfect sync with each other. And it worked. He was flying. Not very fast, but at least the prosthetic could keep his weight afloat. 

Darryl and Vincent now flew up next to Zak, cheering, completely having forgotten about their previous worries. 

"I can't believe I had to miss out on this!" Zak happily exclaimed.

"Well, if you're gonna fly, you better do it good!" Darryl suddenly said.

"What do you m-" Zak was cut off by Darryl grabbing ahold of Zak's wrist, and boosting the two forward with a great speed. Since the prosthetic couldn't keep up with the fast pace Zak turned it off, and relied on his other wing to keep himself up.

Vincent quickly caught up to the two, and bypassed them. "Slow" he said as he bypassed his friends, dragging out the "o".

"Come on, let's catch up to him!" Zak exclaimed. Darryl squeezed Zak's hand a little tighter and fastened his pace, dragging Zak along with him. But of course, since Vincent didn't have to carry someone else, Darryl and Zak weren't able to bypass or even catch up to him anymore.

After all three boys slowed down, Zak turned his prosthetic on, keeping himself afloat again. He had a look of pure happiness on his face. Suddenly, Zak lunged forward and pulled his two friends into a tight hug.

"Thank you." He sounded like he was sobbing.

His friends responded with a "no problem!" and a "we would do anything for you!"

Zak pulled away from the hug, revealing a huge smile and tear-stained cheeks.

"Now if you guys don't mind, I'm gonna fly for a little longer!" He said.

His friends, however, went back to land. They were both pretty tired from the sprint, and so were their wings. So they let Zak go alone.

[Zak's POV / first person]

I've already been flying for a few minutes, and I still can't get enough of it. When I was young my parents would sometimes carry me while they were flying, allowing me to feel the sensation of it as well, but they stopped doing it as I grew older. And it doesn't feel the same as actually flying, either. No, flying using my own wings feels much, much more enjoyable.

I was flying over the forest I had seen and walked through so many times, now finally seeing it from above, when I head an odd noise.

It sounded like a snap, follow by some static noise.

The prosthetic shut off.

I was falling down.

Just like in my nightmares.

It was exactly the same, except now I knew I could die.

I tried pushing the button, to no avail. The thing wouldn't budge.

Sure, due to the position it was in it slowed down my fall, but not enough to land safely.

I was falling, and at a rapid speed.

This can't end well.

I saw two tiny little figures in the distance, growing bigger and bigger. And just as I recognized what they were, everything went black.

[3rd person]

Zak layed there on the humid grass and the few leaves on the ground of the forest. When his friends arrived, there was already a small puddle of blood around him. He had a rough landing, it seemed. From what the two could tell he must've "landed" on a tree and then fallen to the ground, and judging by the way Zak's wounds looks a few branches or twigs had stabbed and scraped him.

Oh, how could it go so terribly wrong?

Of course an ambulance was called right away. It may not be able to drive the the exact spot the three were in, considering it was still a forest, but at least help is on its way.

[Zak's POV / first person]

I heard distant sirens yelling. It sounded very muffled. 

I felt pain throughout my whole body, and I felt numb at the same time. 

I hear sobbing, muffled sobbing a few words. 

And then I blacked out again.

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