Chapter 10~ Least of their worries

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Chapter 10~ Least of their worries

[Darryl's POV / first person]

Riding a plane isn't scary at all. I don't know how I've always been so afraid of it.

When I got to the airport my body was trembling with anxiety. I have never ridden a plane before, and I was scared. What if the plane crashes? But. It's for my friend, I kept reminding myself. And it worked, sort of. I was still afraid, yes, but less. And I was determined I wasn't going to back out of this one. You see, I've thought about taking a flight to places before, but each time I backed out, simply because of my stupid irrational fear. This time I couldn't, so I took a deep breath, and entered the plane.

It really wasn't that bad. And luckily it wasn't a long flight either. When I got off I laughed at myself. I found it funny how I'm suddenly not afraid of planes anymore. 

Once I got all of my bags I decided to call an uber to take me to the hotel. Walking would be too far, same goes for flying. Our wings are made for flying short distances, and the distance from the airport to the hotel was just a little to big. So the uber arrived and I hopped in. The drive wasn't very long, but it wasn't very short either. I think it was about 30 minutes, but I don't exactly know.

[3rd person]

When Darryl arrived at the hotel Vincent was already there, and had all of his bags in his room, some unpacked, some not. The hotel room was a not a very large or luxurious one, and it was pretty far away from Zak's house, but hey, at least they managed to get one. There was a living room, a small kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. Perfect, considering they would only stay there for a week.

Now, obviously the hardest part of this whole meetup would be to actually visit Zak. And make it a surprise. Because of course Zak has to be home when the trio meets up. Otherwise it wouldn't be a trio meetup. Speaking of the trio, all three members haven't been uploading videos as consistently as usual, and their fans definitely know. Conspiracy theories are being flung all over twitter! And the trio saw some of them. They knew their fans were catching on. They had to do something. Darryl and Vincent thought of vlogging the meetup, although they don't have Zak's consent, and due to them meeting up via a rather personal subject, they probably wouldn't get his consent either. But oh well, uploading videos to their youtube channels is the least of their worries. For now Vincent and Darryl are just focussing on figuring out how to visit Zak, and helping him with his defective wing.


A/n: I... i haven't done anything in 6 days... I feel so bad for yall I'm- I hope you like this chapter tho. It's short and I'm pretty sure I changed style halfway through but-

So the reason I haven't been updating?
1. Ive had a week of vacation, and for some reason I get very unproductive during vacation.
2. Im lacking inspiration
3. Writers block.

That being said, I will ask for help in #spoilers in my discord server if I ever need any or run out of inspiration. So make sure to join my discord (there are permalinks spread though several chapters) for updates, and to help me consistently upload!

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