Chapter 14~ Taking flight

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Chapter 14~ Taking flight

At last, everything worked out- it seemed, at least. The wires were finally all installed correctly. The separate parts of the prosthetic now moved, mimicking the movement of a wing in flight. It could be activated by pressing a button, for convenience. In theory, everything worked. It could lift a human along with their other wing, it could fly- maybe not at a top speed, but at least it worked. The only thing left to do was test it. 

"Are you sure you're testing it yourself? It might be dangerous.." Darryl was worried, obviously. Zak insisted in testing the prosthetic himself. "You know you can't catch yourself if it breaks…" 

"But it won't break!" Zak replied.

"I'm just saying… I don't want you to get hurt."

"I know, but I have to test it!"

Everyone stayed silent for a few moments. Both Darryl and Vincent knew that Zak might get hurt if the test fails, but they don't want to have to argue with him for another half an hour.

"So, you guys coming or what?" Zak demanded, being the first to break the silence.

Vincent sighed.

"Fine." Darryl replied, still worrying.


Once arrived at the cliff, the very same cliff Zak died from in his nightmares, Darryl started feeling sick. He was so, so nervous, not being able to keep his mind off playing worst case scenarios in front of his eyes. Oh how nervous he was.

And Vincent? He felt the very same. He wouldn't want to see his friend die because of him. He could've told Zak not to test it himself. But he didn't. And now he was feeling horribly guilty, even though nothing has even happened yet.

Zak was nothing but excited. He would finally be able to feel the sensation of flying. Finally feel the wind flowing through his hair and his wing, finally know what it's like not to be bothered by gravity, being stuck to the ground and being laughed at for it. He would finally feel great.

"Taking flight!" Zak yelled, and he jumped.

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