Chapter 3~ Win-win situation

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Chapter 3~ Win-win situation

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"Skeppy! Oh my goodness are you alright?"

Zak didn't feel like answering.

"Skeppy, you there?"

Why did he even join teamspeak.


If he wasn't going to say anything, he might as well leave.


Bad didn't use Skeppy's real name very often. He only really used it when there was something important, just like now.

An uneasy silence hung between the two, until finally the younger one spoke.


"Skeppy, oh my goodness! What is wrong with you! Are you alright?"

Concern. Concern was the only thing Zak could hear in his best friend's voice. After a few seconds of silence, Zak spoke up again.

"Not really…"

Doubt was laced in his voice, and Darryl surely picked up on it.

"What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Darryl went back to his comforting voice. He was very good at comforting.

"I- I don't know… No I do know, but… "

"You don't know if you should tell me?"

"Yeah, that…"

"Well, if you aren't ready to tell me now, you can always tell me later!"

"But- but it's- it's-  important"

"Then please tell me, what's bothering you?"

"It's- it's what you said earlier. About my wings. They- uhh-"

A few moments of complete silence went by.

"There's a problem with them."

Darryl did see it coming, but it still surprised him.

"What's the problem?"

"Well- uhh-"

Another few seconds of silence.

"I can't fly"

The words escaped Zak's mouth in the smallest, most pathetic voice. God, Darryl must really think he's weak now, huh? He's weak and pathetic. That's what he is.

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Zak left Darryl in shock, but even more in confusion. He can't fly? Why not? Did he never learn how to? And why did he leave teamspeak so suddenly? What is going on with him?

Sent 9:46 pm
Are you alright? You left so suddenly…

Sent 9:46 pm
Why though? Did I say something wrong?

Sent 9:47 pm
Is it because you can't fly? Because I can't care less about that. Well, I care about you as in I don't want you to be sad about it, but you know. I don't think it's weird or anything!

Sent 9:48 pm
can we talk tmr?

Sent 9:48 pm
Of course! Sorry for spamming you btw ;;-;;

Sent 9:48 pm
dw. thamk u

Both of the boys were satisfied. Zak had someone to talk to, and Darryl was beginning to figure out why Zak was so upset, and maybe he could even help him with it! A win-win situation, you could call it.


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