Chapter 12~ I do!

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Chapter 12~ I do!

I was baffled, and Vincent seemingly too. Did our best friend, Zak, seriously just slam the door closed right in front of our faces?

Just as I was about to turn back and walk away, I heard a series of yells erupt from behind the door. Happy yells, sad yells, angry yells, I couldn't quite make up what kind of yells they are. I looked back at Vincent, who looked at me and shrugged. He was just as confused as I was. After a few more yells the door opened again.

"Sorry, I was just really confused." Zak said along with a small giggle, and a smile spread across his face. "Come inside!" He stepped out of the doorframe, allowing me and Vin to walk into his home.

"Sooooooo… Why are you guys here?" Zak questioned.

Vincent and I looked at each other. How are we going to tell him? Luckily, Vincent decided to speak up. "We're here to help you!"

"With what?" And just as he said that, his expression turned from a happy one, into one full of shock. "You don't mean-"

I cut him off.

"Yup, we are going to help you with your wing!"

[Zak's POV]

What? I was confused to the moon and back. First of all, my two best friends just casually knock on my door without even telling me they're near my house, let alone the fact that one must've come all the way from France. Secondly, what? I mean, just… How and why would they help me with something that cannot be helped. My wing is a condition I was born with, that can't just be changed!

Apparently I said that last sentence out loud. 

"We know that, but that can't stop us from trying, right?"

Vincent had a point there, I must admit. 

"Well yes, but- how?"

"We were thinking about building a prosthetic!" Darryl replied.

I shook my head and chuckled. Vincent and Darryl looked at me with confusion in their eyes. Oh, how silly they looked. How silly they were. They came all the way over to my house to build something practically impossible to build.

I started explaining. "Right. So we are going to build a prosthetic ourselves. Shouldn't we leave it up to the professionals?"

Vince had an answer prepared. "So that's why we did research! Darryl and I have spent actual days researching on materials and shapes and all that stuff! We've even contacted real professionals so they could help us!"

I frowned, and it made Vincent and Darryl laugh slightly. I looked down, letting Vin's word sink in.

"But why so much effort?" I looked back at them, frown still on my face.

"Because we want to help you!" They said, at the same time, causing a small laugh to spread across my face. I shook my head.

"I just don't understand why, but I guess if you guys really want to do this… The least we can do is try?"

"So, you accept our help?" Darryl asked.

"I do!" I replied, a smile growing wide on my face.

My two friends were practically cheering at this point, earning a rather confused look from my sister who sat across the room. But the question still lingered in my mind. What did I do to deserve friends like this? Maybe I'll know someday, maybe I won't, but all I know right now is that I cherish my friends, so, so much. 


A/n: fusion happened :3

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