Chapter 13~ Don't overwork yourself

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Chapter 13~ Don't overwork yourself

[3rd person POV]

"Okay- it should work now. Can you press the button?"


A hopeless sigh echoed through the room the three friends were in. They had been in the very same garage for at least 5 hours now, nearing 6. Of course, they took a few breaks to drink something, or simply to calm down from all of the hard work- both mental and physical work- they had done. 

"I'll try this then."


It's been like this for 2 hours now. Wires, always something very complicated. 


Lots of attempts, lots of fails, but no success. Nothing worked. It wasn't moving- which it had to do, obviously- and the three didn't know how to fix it either. 


"Let's just stop for today, alright?" Zak said, with annoyance clearly laced in his voice. He's always been one to get frustrated very easily, and it really shows. In the past 6 hours he had to run out of the building for some fresh air at least 20 times. It was so very stressful for him, especially considering he thinks this is all his fault. He made his friends suffer like this. But still, they basically forced their help onto him. 


Darryl is such a hard-working person. Whenever he starts a project, he finishes it, in the least amount of time possible. He's passionate about his projects, and will work for hours straight on one, and only stops when it's successfully been completed. So naturally, he continued working even after Vincent and Zak gave in to their tiredness.


Darryl was getting angry. Angry at the wires. They've already done so much, and now the wires are messing the whole project up?


"Okay. That's it. I'm done."

He walked out of the garage and met up with his friends. They were sitting down on the slightly humid grass, talking to each other- or rather, Vincent giving Zak (false) hope everything will work out.

With a frustrated expression on his face, Darryl joined his two friends on the grass. Instead of talking to them- he didn't say a word -he just stared at the nothingness that was in front of him. Vincent, who he decided to sit next to, laid a hand on Darryl's shoulder.

"I'm sure it'll work out, just give it time."

Zak agreed with his friend.

"Yeah, don't overwork yourself."


A/n: Heyo! Sorry for the week without an update! All I can say about it is- I forgot actually writing stuff down is important :')

Oh right, and I totally forgot to mention! Thank to the Dream merch discord server for helping me choose the name of this chapter!

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