Stranger knows the secrets

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Harri loved this life. This is what it means to live and be free of burdens. She is happy to look after Matt. She knows what it is like to have no one else to turn to. It can be hard for Matt as she is two years older and he necessarily might not want someone to be there, so she backed off a little and be more like a big sister to him.

There was another party being organised at Mystic Fall and flyers were being put up to celebrate the Founding Families of Mystic Fall. Harri couldn't care less about it, but she did attend the market stalls they organised. She just wanted to see what people do in their time if they are not working. Looking around at the stalls all Harri could see were candles, cards and jewellery and decided she had enough and decided to go swimming on this hot day. Harri texted Matt and told him that she is going and won't is home till later. 

After driving to the waterfall that Matt had shown her, Harri dove straight through the clear water. Putting on a charm that she learnt at Hogwarts she was able to stay in the water longer as well as breathe normally. 

What Harri didn't realise was that the Scooby Gang had followed her. They had been watching her and saw that she had decided to swim. Stefen and Damon thought Lady Potter looked hot, but both didn't tell it out loud because they saw Elana's face and she did not look happy. After a while, the gang waited for her to breathe but she never did and Damon without thinking jumped into the water. 

Being a vampire means you have great eyesight above and below water. Damon used his enhanced view to locate Harri swimming further down and swam towards her. When he reached her, he saw her eyes were closed and thought she stopped breathing. Without hesitation, he grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her up to the surface.

Harri's charm for breathing underwater broke as soon as she got to the surface. Looking around her she saw that Damon had his hand on her arm and came to the conclusion that he was the one to pull her up.

Swimming to the bank she asked him why he did that, and Damon explained that they were watching her and saw that she was swimming but never came up for air. He admitted he did not think, and he thought she drowned.

Meanwhile, the rest waited for whatever could happen next mainly hoping that Damon would bring Harri to them. Elena was hoping he would use his vampire ability and get Harri to trust them and tell all the secrets. What they didn't realise was that no vampire ability works on her. So, when Harri yells at Damon about who he is they try to hide from her view.

Harri was already aware they were all there and decided to confront them
"What is a Wiccan and a human doing with vampires I wonder? "
Elana couldn't help but speak out saying that both vampires are in love with her. Damon and Bonnie were shocked that she sounded like the world revolved around her.

Harri just laughed and said that what feelings they have with her is puppy love as they are vampires who have lived for over 100 years, and they fell in love with someone else from their own time. And the only reason they 'love' is due to resemblance.

Both Damon and Stephen couldn't help but agree with Harri and they never said anything to Elana as they were afraid to hurt her feeling.

Harri feeling like they needed to solve their issue, used a spell to dry herself and get changed. She left her hair wet still. Waving her hand, she left the area and went home

What she didn't realise was that someone was watching.

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