My arm is a what?

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Touma POV

After I meet up with the others, who brought the rest of team Skittles with them.

Motoharu then arrived and took them away somewhere.

Later when Index asked, what happened to me, I tried to explain to her what happened but as I mentioned team Skittles she got distracted. And that's how I ended up buying her some Skittles.

A week past, and it was the middle of the night and I was sleeping, until I got a call from some one.

(Ring, ring , ring)

Touma: Uuuuhhhh...

I tried to grab my scroll but I cept missing.

(Ring, ring, ring)

Index: (annoyed)Toooouuuuummmmaaaa....

I quickly get up and grab my scroll and answer it before Index bites my head off.

Touma: (quietly) Hello?

I walked to my balcony and closed the door to not annoy Index into baiting my head.

Greg:(on scroll) Bro, it's me Greg.

Touma: Greg? It's the middle of the night. And how did you get my number? This is a new scroll.

Greg: I found it. But that's besides the point. I've pulled several all nighters and drank several gallons of my mystery drink. I believe I have a idea what it is.

Touma: ........ You found my number?

Greg: Dude!

Touma: Sorry, sorry.

Touma: A idea of what?

Greg: What your Imagine breaker is.

I looked at my right hand.

Touma: When should we meet up?

Greg: The day after tomorrow.

Touma: Why?

Greg: Because I drank so much of my mystery drink, I now think I can taste reality. Sooo... I'm going to go sleep.

Greg: See you in the flip side.

He hung up.

Touma:(mind) I'm going to get some kind of answers about my arm, finally.

I tried to get back to my bed but the balcony door locked when I closed it.

Touma:(mind) Do I sleep on the balcony or try to wake index and probably get bitten?


Touma: Such Misfortune.

I slept on the balcony that night.

I went over to Greg's place, to find out what imagine breaker is, or at least gain more information then I already have, which is basically none.

(Knock knock knock)

I knocked on Greg's door.

I hear some muffled movement. Eventually Greg opens the door.

Greg: Sup.

He looks outside like he's making sure no one is watching.

Greg: get in.

I entered his apartment. He shuts the door and locks it.

A Certain Remnants Imagine breakerWhere stories live. Discover now