Lovely : Beau x Yasha (Fluff)

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   Third POV

   This hadn't been the first time one of the plans the Mighty Nein put together had gone wrong, but it was one of the few times when nobody would admit they had a part in it not succeeding. The general feeling in the air was frustration, palpable enough to choke on. Eventually everyone went off seperate ways to cool off except Yasha, who seemed to be the more calm of the group at the time, and Beau, who was obviously content staying at the table and drowning her frustrations in cheap liquore. Yasha eyed the tense monk, sitting hunched over mumbling into her ale. Beau looked up, her glare barely softening.
It was less of a question then it was a threat. Yasha only raised her eyebrows in slight suprise at Beau's still burning fury.
"You seem tense."
The barbarian plainly noted allowed. Beau furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, then some of her tightness faded.
"Well. Yeah I think we all are."
Yasha hummed in acknowledgement. The two sat in an awkward silence for a while, both knowing just how uncomfortable the situation between them was. Yasha was the one to finally stand, breaking the stagnant air around them.
"Im going for a walk.... You can come too if you want.."
Beau thought for a moment, Yasha's gaze never leaving her. She drained her mug and left a silver on the table.
"Yeah alright. I'll come with."
The two made their way out of the tavern and into the night. The air was crisp and the moon was full and bright, illuminating the path before them. Yasha began off towards the forest bordering the small town they were staying in at the time. Beau walked quietly beside her.
"Its nice out."
Yasha made an attempt to start something of a conversation but it fell flat pretty quickly.
The monk looked out and forward or any direction that wasn't at the large barbarian woman by her side.
As they approached further to the forest, Beau stopped. A chilled wind blew past the trees, sending a shiver down her spine.
"Something wrong?"
Yasha turned and looked at her, concern in her face as she softly eyed the smaller woman. Beau pulled her cloak a bit tighter around her.
"Uh yeah- i mean no nothing is wrong but yea as in.. As in yeah everything is cool."
Yasha mentally paused, processing Beau's words into an actual sentence.
"Oh.. Alright then."
They continued into the forest, the dark surrounding them. Yasha must have forgotten Beau was in fact a human. Meaning she didn't have darkvision like she did, so when Beauregard put a hand on Yasha's arm it caught her off guard.
"Are you alright?"
Beau's grip softened, but still held to Yasha for guidance through the dark.
"Yeah just uh.. Its dark and my goggles are at the tavern."
The larger woman turn and looked at her smallet companion.
"If you're worried about something attacking us I can protect you."
Beau let go of her, flustered.
"Hey, I can handle myself."
Yasha looked at her puzzled for a moment, then shook her head.
"I didn't mean for it to sound like I said you couldn't."
The monk huffed, crossing her arms.
"Yeah.. Well..- shIT!"
Before she could get anywhere with her words, her foot caught a root or rock and she tumbled forward onto the ground. Yasha stopped, kneeling down beside her.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm.. Fucking great."
Yasha held a hand out to help her up. In response, Beau laid down, putting her hands behind her head.
"I'll just stay down here. Ya know it's a great veiw actually."
Looking around, she noticed they had entered somewhat of a clearing, where the sky was visible. It was cloud free and fillled with shimmering stars, which in the open area, provided some illumination. Yasha sat quietly besides Beau.
The soft sounds of the forest around them melted away any remaining tension. The monk let out a deep sigh.
"I like staying outside. Ya know.. apposed to staying in an Inn. When it's nice out and stuff."
Yasha hummed thoughtfully.
"Yeah. It's nice out."
A moment of silence fell over the two, but there was no awkwardness in it. This quiet was nice and comforting. Beau closed her eyes, listening to the night air, and though at time she wouldn't admit to it, she listened to the soft breathing of her barbarian companion, quietly syncing her breath with hers. Meanwhile, Yasha entertained herself with the small wildflowers growing around them. She gently plucked them from the ground, being particularly picky on which ones she chose. After a few minutes past, she had a delicate array of yellow and blue wildflowers, tied together by long sturdy blades of grass. She turned to look at Beau who, if she didn't know any better, looked like she has gone to sleep. Her gaze went from Beau, to the flowers, then back to Beau again. A light blush crept it's way up her face as she ever so softly laid the flowers on her companion's chest. Beau's eyes opened half way, looking at the large pale woman above her. She sat up, taking the flowers curiously in her hand.
"What's this for?"
Yasha looked away, a soft pink spread across her cheeks.
"They're pretty, I thought you might like them."
Beau felt her face heat up.
"Oh well.. I do, thanks.."
"They remind me of you."
Another pause in the air. Yasha looked out to the clear sky, hoping to let the moment pass. Beau sat up completely and looked at her. Yasha took a deep breathe still looking to the sky.
"Ya know, it really is a nice view from down here."
Beau continued to look at Yasha.
"Yeah. Yeah it really is."
She set her hand on Yasha's, who turned and looked at her in return. Their eyes locked, a silent word passing between the two. Yasha let out a breath she barely realised she was holding and let a small smile curl onto her lips.
"It's a really lovely night."

Author's Note

It took me too long to finish this. Chapters should be a lil faster for a while cause I got hella writers block for the past few weeks. ~ ❤

Word Count : 1000

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