Stormy Nights : Fjord x Jester (Fluff)

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Fjord's POV

Being at sea gets a man used to many things. Rocking motions, salty air, and getting uncomfortably close to your companions. One thing I never found myself getting adjusted to was storms.
I really, really, did not like thunder. Which, me being a large adult male, would most likely make me come off as weak. So I never told anyone. The Nein were completely in the dark because this lie wasn't hurting anyone. They didn't need to know.
But right now I kinda wish I had told someone. I was alone, in the dark, and it was one hell of a storm outside. Usually I'd be alright because I could focus onto Molly snoring but he wasn't here right now.
There was no real way of knowing what time it was, and I didn't feel like waking Caleb to ask.
I tapped on my hip in an anxious manner.
How long could it possibly last?
Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. I jumped, already on edge from it all. I got up and walked to the door. When I swung it open a perky blue teifling stood before me. All bouncy and cute in her night clothes.

"Oh uh Hey Jester. Is everything alright?"

Her smile faded slightly and her head tilted.

"Yeaah. I just wanted to see if you saw my new sketchbook that I bought. I can't find it. Is everything alright with you?"

I couldn't help but swallow, embarrassed of the stupid fear in the back of my head.

"Yeah.." I tried again, more convincing, "Yeah of course I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

From her expression I could tell she wasn't buying it.

"Fjord... You can tell me if something is wrong. You trust me don't you?"

She puppy-dog eyed me. I felt my will breaking.
I sighed.

"Yes Jester. I trust you. Im sorry about your sketchbook but I should really-"

Just as I was about the close the door a loud clap of thunder shook the building and I flinched, going tense.
Jester looked at me confused.
I straightened up and cleared my throat.

"Goodnight. Jester."

I began to close the door but she put her foot in the way. She proceeded to let herself in, closing the door again behind her.

"Fjord.. Are you scared of the storm?"

Her voice sounded sincere, where I thought she would have giggled. I should give her more credit than that.
I looked at the floor, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Well I wouldn't say, "scared of the storm"...."

Here we go. I was gonna say it. I'm a little bit afraid of thunder. Ok. I got this.
She hugged me tight. I felt.. Confused.
Not complaining but definitely confused.

"It's ok, Fjord. I don't like thunder either. If you want I can stay here for the night and protect you."

I felt my face grow warm as I slowly hugged her back, hushing my voice.

"I'd like that, Jester."

She looked up at me and smiled bright. Taking my hand, she walked over to the bed and flopped onto it.

I sat next to her, not completely sure of my boundaries.
She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me down next to her. I took a moment to adjust so we were under the blankets. I looked down at her and she beamed.
Jester's head found a spot between my arm and chest and snuggled into me. Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around her. She giggled a small bit.

"Don't worry, Fjord. I don't bite..."

She giggled again, more devious this time.

"I mean unless you want me to. Wink wink."

She squirmed a little in my arms and I just sighed, looking at her.
Then out of nowhere she leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to my lips before burying her face in my chest.

"Good night, Fjord. Sweet dreams"

After the slight shock went away I let out a small breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I pressed a small kiss to her forehead.

"Good night, Jester."

Word Count : 682

Oof so yeah this is a little short. I have like 5 wip chapter and life is hectic. I shouldn't be making excuses but eh \_('-')_/  have a nice day ~ 💜

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