Cake : Jester x Reader (Fluff)

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To cleanse the pallet of you dirty sinners 😘 ~ 💜

Y/n's POV

Today is Thursday. My favorite day. It's my favorite day because Thursdays are when my favorite customer comes in. An adorable blue teifling named Jester, who happens to love pasteries. She comes in every Thursday to pick up dohnuts, cupcakes, and other sweet pasteries while also lighting up my day with her equally sweet personality.
I made sure to make extra of her favriots while preparing to open the shop, humming happily. I guess it wouldn't be too far off to say I defiantly had a "thing" for her, not that we talk outside of when she comes into the bakery. Its alright though. I get to hear all about her amazing adventures once a week while she cleans me out of chocolate pasteries.

As the day went on, it was easy to stay optimistic. I carried out orders and likewise with a happy skip in my step but the later in the afternoon it got, the harder it became to hold onto that happy feeling.
Usually she was here by now. I tried to think positively though. Maybe her and her party were just out on an adventure but even then she would usually come in to stock up before hand or at least she would have said something last week. Not that she owes me that information. I guess it just threw me off.
The day continued at a slower pace. By the end of the day, she still hadn't come. A sharp pang of hurt struck my heart as I turned my window sign from "Open" to "Closed". I went back and grabbed my broom, to clean up the front area before heading home.

I hummed softly. I wonder if she'll stop by tomorrow, since she didn't come by today. I hope she's doing ok. Her and her friends. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. I set my broom aside and walked to the door.

"Sorry, we're.."

I trailed off. There, smiling as always was Jester. I couldn't keep the huge smile on my face but thankful kept myself from wrapping her in my arms, despite the temptation to do so.

"I know you're closed, but I mean since I'm like your best customer could I maaaaybe buy some of your amazing goodies a little late?"

"Well... I guess since you are my most loyal customer."

She bounced excitedly as I held open the door for her. She immediately began eyeing the glass cases with the little that was left from the day, which I was about to move the day old discount case. I stepped behind the counter, leaning forward on my elbows.

"What brings you so late, anyhow? You usually also happen to be one of my most punctual customers."

She stood up straight, with a not exactly pleased look on her face.

"We were fighting this like huuuuge monster. Like bigger than 4 bears. It took longer than we thought it would."

"Ya don't say?"

She than went on, on a 20 minute long telling of their heroic fight against the horrible creature. I listened to her every word, watching every over dramatic hand gesture she made. When she was finished with her story, she seemed to realize why she came to see me.

"Are you out of honey buns?"

"I'm sorry, Jester. They sold out this afternoon."

It physically hurt to see how disappointed something as simple as honey buns made her. Without fully thinking it through, I spoke.

"But if you're willing to wait I could make you some fresh. Only for my best customer, of course."

She squealed, bouncing in place. I sighed happily. Staying a bit late is worth seeing her so happy. I began walking into the kitchen.

"Hey, Y/n!"

I turned around, trying not think about how hearing her call my name makes my heart flutter.

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