Seashells : Fjord x Reader (Fluff)

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Y/n's POV

It was one of those unspoken things. Something we both kinda acknowledged but never talked about. No matter where we were, when ever we went to to new place Fjord and I began our quiet race to see who could find a seashell first. Whether it was found or bought didn't matter. You just had to find it first. No matter how far away from the water we are.
And to prove victory, whoever found one first would walk up and say
"I got you a seashell."
The other would except it with quiet defeat and life would continue.
Im not sure how it really started or if the rest of the Nein knew what was going on but I was determined to win... However it is I would do that.

We had just arrived at a new town, just for the night as we were merely passing through. As we came into town, Fjord looked at me. I simply smiled back to him. We didn't have much time so once we had established where we were staying for the night, the race began. Fjord said he was gonna go look at the shops around town, just to see if he could find anything interesting. I told the others I saw a lake that I wanted to take a small walk to, so I could self meditation. I watched Fjord walk in the opposite direction as we both left the inn. My heart fluttered. I loved our little game. I don't know what he thought of it but I liked seeing him prideful and cocky when he gives me one first, or defeated, but greatful when I presented him with a shell.

The lake was very pretty. A lovely turquoise-blue with a pale sandy outskirt. I began my search. I took off my boots and rolled up my pants. I walked through the shallow areas near the edge, peering into the water around my feet.
I found a lot of shiny rocks, a couple of sticks, a bit of rope someone lost, and after nearly an hour of searching, I found a lovely milk white shell. It wasn't too big but wasn't broken either. It was the kind that resembles half a clam. I quickly got back into my boots before heading back to find Fjord.
I saw Fjord entering the Inn as I rounded the corner. I held the shell in my hands and quickened my step. When I walked in he was sitting in a chair at a little table in the corner, standing up as he noticed me. As I got close I held my hands up, trying to be first, showing him my shell. I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"I got you a shell."

His expression wasn't one I normally got in this scenerio. He was timid and smiling sweetly at me. Fjord took the shell, pocketing it, before pulling sonething out of his other pocket.

"What a coincidence, I got you a shell too. Close your eyes."

Some infernal part of my childish brain wanted to say "Nuh-uh I found one first that doesn't count" but I closed my eyes instead. The floor boards creeked as he walked behind me. For a moment I felt something cold touch my neck, but I trust Fjord so I didn't move. He moved back infront of me.

"Ok. You can look now."

I looked down. On a thin silver chain was a little conch shell. It was pink and silver and blue and shimmered in the Inn's dim light.


He chuckled nervously.

"Well, I figured you liked shells. So I thought you'd like it... Do you like it?"

I hugged him.

"It's beautiful, Fjord."

"Then I guess it's fitting."

I pulled away, a puzzled look on my face.


He seemed regret his choice of words as he back tracked to defend himself.

"Oh uh well it was nothing really. Forget I said anything. I didn't say anything."

I narrowed my gaze at his face.

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