Cold Hands : Caleb x Reader (Fluff)

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Y/n's POV

Cold winter air swirled dead leaves around the turning wheels of our cart. Clouds masked the late afternoon - early evening sky, filling the it with a dim grey color. Cadueces sat at the front of the cart driving us along quietly, beside him, an equally quiet Nott, who was possibly asleep but I couldn't tell. Jester and Fjord had both fallen into a soft sleep at some point near an hour ago. Beau was reading a book she had borrowed from Caleb, the blanket from her bedroll tucked tightly around her. I sat besides Caleb, who was doing his own light reading at the moment. All was quiet and calm.
I shifted inside my blanket, which was for the most part keeping me warm aside from my hands. It really did seem no matter how warm I was my hands were always so much colder in comparison. I let the blanket fall open in the front so my hands could escape, cupping them around my mouth, hoping warm breaths against them would warm them up. I fidgeted for a minute or two, grasping the together to no avail. I let a soft sigh of defeat escape my lips and watched the small cloud of steam dissipate as I tucked my hands back under the blanket.
I glanced around the cart again to find Caleb looking at me with his head tilted. His voice was quiet, as if trying not to break the spell of calm that has fallen upon the Nein, which happened so seldom.


I tilted my head in response. He held out his hands, expectantly.

"Your hands."

I slowly placed my hands in his. He closed his hands around them. His were much warmer then mine were and I couldn't help but move closer to him. He leaned forward.

"You trust me, ja?"

I nodded, being slowly enveloped in the warmth growing between us. A feeling of momentary panic shot through my veins as his hands grew even warmer, having seen what he was capable of in battle with his fire magic. Looking up, it would seem he had noticed the panic on my face because he smiled. There was no fire, just pleasant warmth.
We sat like that for a while, his hands cupped around mine. As time went on I found myself leaning further into him or maybe he was moving towards me. I couldn't really tell. He let go of my hands, the cold air hitting them harshly, much to my own demise. I went to stuff them back in my blanket, to conserve the little warmth they had saved.

"Wait a moment."

He adjusted his own blanket around himself and then also around me. He then gently adjusted mine as well. Now, underneath the two blankets he took my hands in his again. I sighed contently, letting the heat he radiated settle around me.
After a small while I found my head falling to rest on his shoulder. Despite the comfortable feeling in the air about us, I found myself feeling unsure. I went the lift my head when I felt him lean back into me. I kept my voice low.



"This is ok?"

"I don't see why not."


I closed my eyes. This was ok. This was better than ok. It was downright lovely. Having him so close felt foreign but not in a bad way. The pit in my stomach swirled at the odd feeling, chasing the butterflies in my chest. Until this moment I wouldn't have been able to think of Caleb in anything remotely close to what was swimming through my head now. The heat swam to my face. I took the chance in looking up at him. He was already looking at me with an expression I couldn't really identify. He didn't look away from me either. He seemed to be.. contemplating something. I took the moment to examine what my own feelings were. Maybe I was falling for him or I already had and I just hadn't noticed. We talked quite often and got along well but is that.. love?
I didn't dare let my gaze slip down but.. briefly I considered if I were to.. kiss him.. perhaps that would provide me with some sort of answer. Or the maybe the fact that I would want nothing more than to kiss him right now provided me one enough. I allowed myself to glance to his lips, knowing full well he was watching me. He eyes shifted as well, but elsewhere. To our conscious companion. Beau was far too enthralled in her book to pay us any mind. When he looked back me his eyes flickered to my lips for such a brief moment I could have imagined it. However, I know I didn't imagine what came next.
He held my hand still, but let his other cup my cheek. Instinctively, I put my hand on his shoulder. I only now realized how truly close we had been the entire time. I looked to his lips again. I know I saw him look to mine. He guided my face to his and pressed his lips to mine. The swirling became a vortex and the butterflies became hummingbirds, so much stronger as they fought inside me.


The feeling he gave me. It was just right.
I wanted him to know. I wanted him to understand and feel it too. I wanted to be his right.

When we broke away we both just looked at each other for a moment. I broke the silent spell, though softly.

"Did you feel it?"

"What did it feel like?"

"Right. And warm."


"And you?"

He pressed his forehead to mine.

"Felt right."

Word Count : 956

I currently have 6 smuts and 5 fluffs in my drafts rn. So like, what y'all want more of? ~ 💜

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