Keeping Watch : Molly x Reader (Fluff)

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Y/n's POV

As the sun set further and further, darkness settling around us, we decided to stop in a clearling off to the side of the road, hidden within a few trees. Caleb started a fire as Jester dramatically set out her bedroll. I set my own bedroll down and sat on it, leaning against a tree. Everyone got themselves settled, and quietly started discussed our next plans for the following day. As Fjord took charge, wording out our exact strategy I found my thoughts wondering. No where particular, simply floating off into day dreams and ideas. As I snapped back to, the discussion had turned to who would take which watch for the night. Beau stretched her arms out.
"I'll take second watch. Im going down for now, night."
With that she leaned back against a tree and closed her eyes, seeming immediately asleep.
"I'll take first watch."
I sat up more, looking at the others to confirm. Jester rolled over in her bedroll.
"Tell Beau to wake me up for third watch. Good night you guys ~."
Molly leaned against the same tree I was sat against, looking over the rest of the group as they went to turn in for the night, before turning to me.
"And I, will stay up with you and keep you company."
He sat beside me on my bedroll, smiling devilishly.
A small heat krept onto my face.
"Oh, Molly, you really don't have to-"
He held his hand up, silencing me.
"I'm not tired. Plus you seem like you could use a little company."
I looked around our little bubble, where everyone else was already asleep, or atleast pretending to be. Letting my eyes rest anywhere but on the purple teifling at my side.
"Why do you say that?"
He shifted next to me, leaning on one arm so close his shoulder nearly brushed mine. His voice was quiet, probably taking our sleeping companions into account.
"Well... You've been a bit passive the past few days. I was just curious why you haven't been talking to me is all. No pressure."
My heart stopped. Had I actually been obviously avoidimg him?
The nightmare I had about him.. Not wanting to lose another person I loved so deeply.. Had I tried to detach from him without even realizing?
I shook my head.
"Im sorry. I didn't realize.."
I paused. I felt a coolness run down my cheek.
Was I crying?
I looked at my lap, puzzled, before he turned me to face him.
"Obviously somethings wrong."
"It's nothing, it's-"
"I know I'm the last person you should listen to but.. you can trust me."
I inhaled deeply, letting myself look at his face, his eyes. I realized it's been a while since I had done so.
"I.. a few nights ago I had a dream of sorts.. Well a nightmare.."
He listened attentively, eyes looking deeply into my own as mine darted around as I spoke, occasionally drifting back and finding a moment of comfort in his face.
"Well... you.. you were.."
You died and I couldn't save you.
The words wouldn't come out, I looked at him pleading for him to somehow understand. After a moment his face showed he realized what I was implying, taking my hands in his own. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek for a moment.
"It's alright. You don't have to worry. A nightmare is just that, just a nightmare."
I looked down, my face still in his hand.
"I can't lose someone like you again. Someone I..."
The words tumbled out in a soft voice before I could even realize what I was saying, barely being able to stop myself.
His eyes searched mine for something.
"Someone you what, Y/n?"
My name rolled off his tounge and that was it. I shattered under the pressure. I let myself fall into him, holding him in my arms. His arms were stiff for a moment, before wrapping around me tight.
"Well, are you going to answer me? What am I to you, Y/n?"
There was some amusement in his voice and my face was definately red now if it wasn't before.
I didn't reapond, only held him tighter. He let out a small chuckle, and tilted my chin up to look at him.
"If you won't answer, may I make a guess?"
I pursed my lips and looked away, then back in affirmation. He ran a hand through my hair, his eyes half lidded. He pulled me up, closer to his face, bringing his own down. Less then a moment from my lips he paused.
"Do you love me, Y/n?"
I couldn't find words. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. My hands fell to rest on his chest, grip tighting on his shirt, he chuckled lowly.
"Answer the question, dear."
I swallowed hard, the words following only a breath above silent.
He smiled.
"Thats good to hear."
He closed the distance, our lips finally meeting. It was gently and comforting and some how desperate all at once. My hands gripped tightly to his shirt, pressed against his chest but his hands wandered. One stayed cupping my cheek, holding me to him. The other krept down my arms, tracing his fingers delicately over the cloth to exposed skin. He followed the length if my arm to where it met his chest and moved to reach to my waist, putting his full hand covering my waist, moving down my hip, squeezing my outer thigh.
I pulled my lips away from his, eyes barely open.
Then in one smooth motion we were parted. I let a soft whine resonate in my throat and he laughed quietly.
"Now, now. We don't want the others to wake up and see something would we?"
He in no way hid the fact he was enjoying this.
My face was defiantly as blushy as it could be by this point. Frustrated, I leaned in towards him, grabbing him by his coat collar, pulling him face to face. He was suprised at first but planted both hands on my thighs as he smiled his cocky smile.
"Come on, wouldn't you rather wait until we can be.. alone"
The word drifted from his lips, making my heart flutter. I was about to kiss him again when someone opposite of the fire cleared their voice. We both looked over to an embarrassed looking Fjord, who had his eyes on the ground.
I practically threw Molly by his collar, while he laughed.
I covered my face and I heard even Fjord give a bit of a chuckle.
I glared at them from between my fingers.
"You're both terrible."
Fjord held his hands up in defence.
"Hey, I'll just go back to sleep. You two can... Do whatever it was you were doing."
He winked and turned away. Molly looked at me with the same devilish grin.

Word Count : 1162

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