First : Caleb x Reader (Smut)

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Y/n's POV

Caleb and I have been together for a while now. We've gone through the awkward start, a first kiss, and we've even gotten as far as sleeping in the same bed together (though only once). Yesterday, however, I brought up the subject of, if he was comfortable with it, maybe even taking it a step further. When I brought it up I made sure we were alone. He had gotten all red faced at the idea but told me he thinks he'd at the very least like to try. I smiled, shaking, and hugged him. I had never been more excited yet terrified in my life.

Tonight was going to be more than just my first time with Caleb. It was going to be my first time ever. When we were planning out rooming at the inn we were staying in I chose to buy my own room just for myself, or at least that's what I told the others. Though when I was paying for the room I kept looking at Caleb, which didnt go unnoticed by Nott, who promptly began whispering with Jester. I felt my face heating up as they both looked at us, Jester fighting back a fit of giggles.
As people dispersed to do some in town shopping, I ended up walking with Yasha, Jester, and Beau around the streets in look of a bakery, Jester herself leading the way. While we walked, Beau fell back to match my own speed, staying behind the others.

"So uh... Jester was just telling us about.. Stuff and... So you and Caleb huh?"

I looked at the ground, I couldn't help but smile a bit to myself.

"Yeah. I guess so."

She nodded, hands behind her head in a casual fashion.

"How long has that been a thing?"

"For a while now. Maybe a bit over 5 months."

"5 months? Were you guys ever going to tell the rest of us? Not to be nosy or anything."

I shrugged. We had never really talked about telling the others outright. Maybe after... Later. Maybe we should talk about it.. Later.

"Eventually. Probably. We never talked about it or anything."

"Oh. Okay."

And like that the conversation was over. It felt like a little relief knowing it wasn't necessarily a secret. Once we found the bakery and Jester had her fill, I went off on my own venture. Just to get a little something to make tonight extra special.

When I got back to the inn it was approaching night fall. My heart was racing. I stood infront of the door to my own room for far too long, anxiety coursing through my veins. Nott was headed into her own room she was sharing with Beau and Jester but she stopped and looked I me. Our eyes met for a moment, and somehow a quiet understanding passed through. She nodded and walked away into her room. With that I took a deep breath and walked into the room.
Caleb was already there, sitting on the bed and staring at the cover of a book. There was a small bag at the end of the bed. I gulped hard and cleared my throat lightly to let him know I was there.
He looked up at me. Tension between us was palpable. I closed the door behind me, walking into the room. He stood up, setting aside the book. I walked over, tossing my own bag from shopping next to his. We were both very quiet for a long, awkward moment. The room grew darker as the sun set further, now only being lit by a single lantern by the door. It was Caleb who broke the silence.

"Are you at all.. nervous.. About all of this?"

"If this isn't-"

He took my hand in his.

"No. I want this.. Just nervous."

I hummed thoughtfully, bring his hand to my face. He cupped my cheek, brushing over it with his thumb. I slowly brought his hand away from my face and reached for my bag. I took it over to the bedside table and took out it's few contents. A medium sized red candle that smelt of red wine and roses and a small glass bottle which I set behind the candle out if embarrassment.
I sat on the bed. Caleb sat beside me. I turned to him timidly and nodded towards the candle.

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