Mighty Nein x Reader : Helpless (Fluff)

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TW : Panic attacks, mentions of abuse

Angsty, but a happy ending, enjoy ~ 💜

Y/n's POV

We had nearly won. He looked worse for wear and we had the upper hand. I pulled my bow and arrow, ready to finally be rid of the caster. He raised his hand in my direction, speaking a language unfamiliar to me. I heard my bow clatter to the ground as my hands seeming were held in place. I pulled at them, but I couldn't. I couldn't move. I was frozen in place. I was helpless. I jerked my body forward. No, no, no.

He had me pinned. I tried to pull free but I couldn't. He was so much stronger than me. He yelled at me. My ears were ringing at the deafening volume, inches from my face. I couldn't move. I was helpless. No one was coming to save me. I might die here. He might kill me. He could kill me. I can't move.

Fjord was shaking my shoulders. When did I get on the ground? I'm sitting, my hands are on my head. I slowly let go of my hair and looked at him, puzzled. I'm crying.

"Y/n.. you alright? We lost you there for a minute."

He looked worried. Nott was standing beside where he was knelt infront of me.

"He's dead, if that helps at all. We can all leave now."

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make a scene."

I went to push myself back up but my hands and arms were shaking. I didn't have it in me to stand. I felt so tired and so weak. Jesters voice pitched in from somewhere beside me.

"I thought you died, Y/n. You had us worried."

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

There was a warm presence beside me. Caleb had crouched down beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. He had a knowing look on his face. One of mutual understanding and empathy. More tears spilt over. I shook my head wiping them away, but not as quickly as they came.

"I'm.. I'm.. fine.. I'm.. really.."

The unbelievable lies continued to stutter out. Gods, I must seem so weak. I'm getting so worked up over this and it doesn't even matter. It's never mattered before, why would now be different? Three sets of arms were around me nearly at once. Then soon a fourth. I tried to calm myself. Jester's voice was hushed.

"Y/n.. do you wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head.

"Not now.. not yet. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You take as long as you need."

Someone set their hand on my head. I looked up. Molly smiled calmly down to me.

"C'mon kiddo. Let's head home. Much better to cry there then here."

I nodded. They started to get up. Before I could get very far I felt am arm under mine, helping me up. Beau had an expression I couldn't read on her face. One that implied she didn't really know what to say.

"Up we go."

"Thank you, Beau."

She half smiled. I tried my best smile back. My legs shook a little, but were steady enough as I stood up straight, still with Beau's help. Molly looped his arm around me on the other side. His voice was quiet.

"I get not wanting to talk about it. But why don't you tell me what happened just now so we can make sure it doesn't happen again, hm?"

I nodded. I was walking more on my own now and after making sure I was steady, Beau went to catch up with the others. Molly and I were walking at a slower pace, along with Caleb and Nott. I hardly registered the fact that they haven't left my side.

"It was whatever spell he cast.. I couldn't move."

"Hold person."

Caleb spoke solemnly, I bunched my shoulders around my neck in a sort of shrug. I wasn't too familiar with spells.

"I just don't.. I don't like that feeling. The not being able to move."

Molly hummed thoughtfully. I watched the ground where we walked. Nott had apparently put herself between me and Caleb because I felt her hand take mine in a very caring manner. There was an uncommon sincerity in her voice. It wasn't bad, just difficult from her usual light and fun demeanor.

"We'll make sure it doesn't happen again. We'll protect you."

Her words brought a few light tears to my eyes, ones of relief and comfort. Caleb brought his hand to my shoulder in a comforting manner.

"We're family, Y/n. If there's anything you need, you let us know, alright?"

Molly made his presence known again some slight playfulness taking to his tone.

"I'd kill a man for you, Y/n. No proof needed, because I already have."

I laughed. It felt good. Those sweet broken laughs that only someone who cares about you can bring out. Nott giggled a bit as well. I let out a deep breath, half of it consisting of a hotness I didn't know was sitting in my chest.

"Thank you. All of you. Gods, I love you guys so much."

Molly and Caleb's words lapped over eachother, but they were saying the same thing.

"We love you too."

Nott and I laughed. It felt right. And for the first time in a while, I felt safe.

Word Count : 850

Short but sweet. Gods, I need to get through my drafts 😅 ~ 💜

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