Experiment : Caleb x Reader (Smut)

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Y/n's POV

At this point, we were all acustom to Caleb shutting himself off for a day or more to do "work" but this seemed a bit much even for him. No one had seen him so much as leave his room in four days. Nott, Jester, and I would bring food to him, not that he ever said anything to any of us.
We were beginning to get worried and I decided this was enough. I walked up to his room and attempted to open the door.
It was locked.
I knocked and after a moment there was a click. I opened the door and it looks like he hadn't left his desk, he probably spelled the door unlocked. I walked in, closing the door behind me.

"Caleb, is everything alright?"

He looked at me, away from his papers. He didn't look horribly tired. Infact he looked more well rested than normal. In addition I could tell he recently cleaned himself up. This wasn't what I really expected but I'm in no way complaining.

"Oh uh. Ja. I'm fine. Everything is good. Ja."

He sounded almost in pain. I gave him a hard look over.

"That wasn't very convincing.."

He sighed. He was turned awkwardly away from me and the door. I stepped towards the middle of the room. He scratched the back of his head.

"Just a little mishap is all. Should get it all figured out in another day or so."

He was tapping his foot in a very impatient manner. He flipped a page in one of the books on his desk.

"Mishap? What happened?"

I walked over the desk to see if I could get a glimpse of his books or papers. He quickly shifted, closing the book and moving the papers in a scattered sort of way.

"Just... Did a spell wrong. Extremely wrong. So uh. You should probably go."

"Are you hurt?"

He sighed again, more frusterated this time.

"No. I am fine.. For the most part. Please now, go away."

Caleb's POV

This is awkward.

She really needs to go. Immediately.

I thought I was more skilled at magic than this and yet here I am...

I spelled myself hard. And I can't fix it.

For a moment I spaced a little. Gods, Y/n smelt nice. She looks just lovely too. I indulged a little in her, memorizing any little detail I could without being too obvious. The way she twisted in place when she was nervous was adorable.

"You know Caleb. I've dabbled a bit in magic myself... So maybe I could help you? I mean you're a lot better than me but fixing stuff like this is always better with help right?"

I desperately tried to keep myself from laughing. This entire situation was bizarre.
She seemed hurt that I found what she said funny because she swallowed hard and looked at the floor.
I sighed.

"Y/n if you knew what I did... Well.. It's horrible really and not the kind of thing..."

Damn it, she was practically puppy dog eyeing me. I suppose it'll let her leave me alone..

"Look. I spelled... I made myself.. Well... I spelled myself hard. It won't go away."

I waited for her to laugh... and she didn't. She looked at me completely dumbfounded, blinking. I cleared my throat, turning back to my desk.
She coughed and shook her head.

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