Undesirable : Fjord x Reader (Smut)

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Lil angsty ~ 💜

Y/n's POV

I stared at myself in the mirror for what felt like forever. My eyes traced the outline of my body. It's no surprise nobody wants me. Gods, just look at me. If this is what I look like mostly undressed I'm glad no one has even seen me get this far. I squished my stomach.
I wrapped my arms around my stomach and pressed in, covering it. I almost didn't look half bad if it weren't for my arms and thighs giving me away. I sighed. The only reason I was even doing this right now is because I know now I don't stand a chance with the person I fell in love with because I've seen his type. Tall, hourglass, confident... I'm none of those things. I'm not even that upset. Fjord deserves a perfect girl because he's perfect. My chest ached as I continued to examine myself. I sat on the bed across from the mirror. I leaned back on my hands, trying to make the roles go away and it kinda worked but it also reminded me how small my chest was when compared to my stomach. If I were more attractive the way I was displaying myself would be rather alluring. I felt a slight coolness run down my cheeks.
Fucking pathetic.
Then, without any warning the door swung open.

"Hey, y/n have you seen my..."

He trailed off as he saw me. I felt hot embarrassment cover my face as I pulled the blanket off the bed to cover myself. I don't know what kind of response I expected. Maybe disgust or.. something. But not what happened. He looked at me, concerned and stepped in closing the door behind him.

"Is everything alright?"

I quickly wiped my eyes dry and forced what I hoped was a convincing smile.

"Of course. What were you looking for?"

He walked closer to me, standing tall over me. He put a hand on the bed next to me, bending over to be at eye level. His weight on the blanket strained my grip on it, still covering my nearly naked self.

"You don't have to lie to me. You can tell me, I won't tell anyone else if you don't want me to."

After he spoke he seemed to remember why I was clutching the blanket for dear life and stepped back, a small blush crept onto his cheeks.

"It's really not important.." I forced a small laugh. "Feelings are just stupid. I'll figure them out."

He looked at me like he didn't believe me. I didn't blame him. I don't believe me either. I tried to change the subject so he'd lose interest in why I was looking at my body in the mirror like it was the plague.

"Aren't you meeting a lady friend here soon? You should.."

Wait was that too blatant? Was I making myself too obvious?
He furrowed his brow, after a moment it softened.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He shook his head.

"Actually no. I didn't agree to meet up with her cause she wasn't my type."

A thousand and one thoughts bounced around my head at once. I looked at him confused.

"How was she not your type? She was practically perfect in every way. Both of you-"

I cut myself off, looking anywhere but where he was.

"Well, ya see. I've had my eye on someone else for quite awhile. I think she's just little more perfect."

He looked at me shyly, like I was supposed to know. Some girlish little voice in the pit of my stomach yelled 'Me!' but I ignored her. He said perfect and so it couldn't be.


He laughed.

"Nope. But atleast now I know I wasn't being too obvious."

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