Shoot : Mighty Nien x Reader (Fluff)

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Platonic-Fluff??? Eeeeeeeh??? But also Caduceus cause yea. Anyways. Male reader as requested ;P. ~ 💜

Y/n's POV

I had only been traveling with the group for about a week when I began to realized they weren't just a normal adventuring party. They were... Closer than that. I mean, I've heard of groups of adventurers becoming like family but these guys were close in.. A different way. Which was ok. It was nice being around a group that wasn't constantly at eachothers throats. Well at least less than any group I've been with.

We just stopped our cart along the side of the road to rest for the night so I decided to take this time to practice with my bow. Lately I've just been off and I wasn't sure why. As I set off to find a place where I wouldn't be shooting at my new friends, Jester grabbed my arm.

"Y/n, can I come watch you shoot?"

I smiled at her with a small shrug.

"I don't see why not."

She didn't let go of my arm as I walk to set my bag down on a fallen tree. She sat beside it, watching me attentively. I walked to a tree just across from it, marking a target with some chalk I had. As I pulled out my bow, I could hear her clap softly and give me a little "you got this!" I took an arrow and aimed at the target, took a deep breath and fired. I hit the tree but it was about half a foot below the target. I groaned, running a hand through my hair.

"Nice shot."

I spun my head around to see Fjord leaning against a tree next to Jester. When did he get here?

"But you know what would help?"


He walked up to me and walked behind me.

"Take the stance you had before."

I did as he said. Not that I've seen Fjord use a bow at all but trying couldn't hurt.

"Now if you want better aim, you gotta fix your stance."

His knee pressed between my legs, knocking my stance wider. It felt odd at first, but I understood what he meant. It felt more natural. He aligned his back leg with mine, bracing it from the outside. His hands were on my shoulders, gently forcing my posture straight. I could feel his voice.

"Try.. now."

I pulled another arrow and aimed it at the tree, using the stance to my advantage.


It hit this time! Well sorta. Though it was in the target, it was too far to the right for my own standards. Despite such, Jester clapped for me and Fjord pat my shoulder.

"See? Just a little stance problem is all."

"I still think I could do better.."

The sun was getting closer to fully set at this point. I sighed.

"But it looks like I'm about out of daylight."

Jester popped up, re-establishing her place against my arm.

"Oooor, we could get Caleb to do dancing lights so you can still see!"

"Well I don't think we need to bother him-"

The area around us all became much lighter as Caleb made his presence known, Cad beside him. Above my head, above the fallen tree, and above the target, glowing orbs of light. Caduceus sat on the fallen dead tree. As I turned back, I caught Jester out of the corner of my eye basically crawling into Caduceus' lap. Fjord and taken a step back from me and was now standing beside Caleb.

"It's no bother. I needed a little light anyways."

Caleb assured me, pulling a book from somewhere in his coat of too many pockets. He sat on the ground near the others so the light from his spell would illuminate the pages. I felt an embarrassed pink begin taking to my face.

"Thanks, Caleb."

He nodded, a small content smile on his face as he read his book. Jester from her comfy little place on Caduceus clapped her hands together.

"I bet you'll hit the bullseye this time, Y/n! You're like super amazing."

Fjord flashed me a thumbs up. I smiled, a new confidence building within me. I took an arrow, fixed my stance, and focused. When I let the string go I watched it head just right of the bullseye then suddenly jerk to the left, hitting the center.

"What the..?"

Jester clapped happily.

"See I told you you'd do it this time."

"It doesn't count if you use thaumaturgy to direct it."

Caduceus pat her head and she made in upset groan noise of sorts.

"You weren't supposed to tell him!"

I chuckled, walking over to collect my arrow.

"Thank you, Jester. But he's right. If I want to get better I have to learn it on my own."

"I dunno maybe you should try hitting me instead."

I spun back around to see Beau standing with her arms crossed and a cocky smirk on her face.

"That is if you can."

I shook my head.

"Beau, I couldn't. What if I hurt you?"

She shrugged.

"It'll be practice for both of us. Plus I'm sure Jester could heal me up real good if I got too hurt, yeah?"

Jester nodded happily.

I rubbed the back of my neck, spinning the arrow between my fingers in my other hand.

"I don't know.. I don't want to hurt any of you."

Jester grasped her chest.

"Did you hear that, guys? Y/n cares about us."

Fjord did a similar motion to Jester.

"I am truly touched, Y/n."

Beau walked up to me, slinging her arm around my shoulder.

"Then why not take a break from target practice then."

I looked down at the arrow in my hand, then back up to the group of people infront of me. No. Group of friends.
I felt a warm pink take to my face, looking back to the arrow in my hand.
I sighed, though smiling, and shook my head. I walked over, Beau still beside me, and sat on the ground near Caleb. I put the arrow back in my quiver.

"You're an odd group, ya know?"

Jester leaned down, resting her chin on my head.

"I think you mean we're an awesome family."

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