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Abruptly waking up to the sound of a tire screeching. I looked out and saw that the jet had landed.
It has been afew days since I last had that very serious talk with my uncle.
I had just landed at Washington DC airport where I had a private escort waiting in my haste.

We had a huge party later that night where my uncle announced that he was giving the company over to me when I turned 19.
But the company is already in my name and I'm one of the upper body shareholders.

Quickly putting on some gray Adidas sweatpants, a black v neck T-shirt and black converse,I quickly brushed my teeth,ran a hand through my hair before pulling on my shades since the sun was killing my eyes.

The flight attendant gave me my coffee as I walked out. My bodyguards Roy,Freddie and Deen followed me out.
I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it.

The jet doors opened,Freddie and Deen were carrying my bags out.
Roy was my second in command and had been my best friend since I came to Russia two years ago.

After the jet doors were opened,I walked down the steps,putting on my black monty cap.
Afew black hummers and BMW's were parked in a straight line as who I assumed was their head guard greeted me.
"Good morning sir, I'm Michigan, I'll be your head guard and your escort sir", the guy looked nervous as I puffed the cigarette smoke in his face.

I was at least 5 inches taller than him.
I took off my shades and saw him silently gasped.
He was probably gawking at my eyes.

" Well,lead the way then", he nodded opening the door for me as we got in.
Roy and I in one car,Fred and Deen in the one behind us.

Michigan drove us to my hometown.

How sweet. Not


Seeing the new signboard which read Welcome to RangeLake town sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine.
We soon turned into the town. So many things changed,yet,the atmosphere almost felt the same.

Roy knew about the bullying but he didn't know who did it.
"Excuse me sir...would you like something from town?", Michigan asked.

" Yeah,I need to drop by at the gas station ", he nodded as we pulled up at a new gas station that wasn't here before.

Closing the door,I walked in and bought a new packet of cigarettes,a gas lighter and some snacks.
Don't judge,I might be a heartless killer but I do love my snacks.

Getting back in the car,we drove off and soon passing by the dark part of town that I remember, I saw rundown buildings.
Parking up into a luxurious looking mansion by the hillside, we got out.

There were men by the gates staring at me like I was their last meal.

The fuck?fucking creeps.

Who I assumed was the leader with black hair, deep blue eyes,muscular built and his body was bare with any tatoo.
I puffed out my cigarette and dropped the bud,crushing it with my foot as I made contact.

Roman McKlein, my high school bully.

I have to say,this is quite the surprise I wasn't expecting.
He probably hasn't recognized me yet since I'm still wearing shades.

Striding up to him,I stood head to head with him before slowly removing my shades.

He gasped.

" M-Matt?"

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