Chapter 3 - Planning Christmas?

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We were at the little house we were in during the summer. Greeting us there was Bill, Grunkle Stan and Ford, and Wendy. No Pacifica surprisingly.

"Hey guys! I haven't seen you in a while!" I said. Giving each a hug. For Bill, I kissed his cheek and hugged him.

"Mabel, could you help me? It's the same thing as last time." Wendy said.

"Did your one of your favorite shirts rip and want me to fix it since I won't charge you?" Mabel asked.

"Yup!" Wendy winked and laughed. Mabel laughed a little.

"Maybe I'll start soon. For everyone." Mabel said.

"Please don't! Please Mrs. Designer!" They all said. Mabel laughed.

"Wait... you guys knew we had a degree in design?" I asked. They looked at me and nod.

"Yeah, she told everyone. She was gonna tell you and your parents but...." Wendy started.

"But your parents are like mine. Not caring for the other one. Only the smart one." Grunkle Stan finished.

"Grunkle Stan/Stan!" Everyone shouts.

"Let's just head in." Bill and Mable said.
"Thanks for getting the tree Wendy!" Mabel thanked Wendy. I walked into the house and see the tree for Christmas.

"We just gotta decorate it." Bill said. He hugs me from behind. "Ready to decorate? Pine tree" I blush a little.

"Lets go into town and see what they got!" Mabel smiles are runs out the door.

"Wait for us Mabel." I said. She acts like a child sometimes. She waits for us at outside in the front. Grunkle Stan and Ford left for the hospital. When we got out, she smiled at us.

"Let's go! We got no time to waste!" She shouts. We start walking.

"Hey Mabel... what to Pacifica?" I asked. Mabel was a head of me and Bill with Wendy. Bill and I were holding hands with our other hand had a glove on.

"We broke up. She had to leave and we both knew it wouldn't work for many reasons." She said. She didn't look back me. I was about to ask but Bill put a hand on my shoulder. I look at him and he shakes his head.
We got home after shopping for decoration. We got many decorations. Mabel got the star and the lights. Wendy got ornaments and many others while Bill and I got the tree flooring thing for the tree. Mabel had Bill and I hold her things.

"Mabel, why?" I asked. I didn't like the thought of holding things. Mabel laughs a little.

"Because nerd. You need more physical activity." Mabel smiles. Wendy and Bill laughs little. I looked at her and she looked at me. She was walking back wards. We stare at one another for a while.

"Twins?" Wendy wonders. We ignore her.

"Pine tree. Mabel." Bill calls out. We also ignore him. Then we both slipped and fell. Bill grabbed Mabel things it not us. Let's just say... it didn't end well for the both of us.

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