Another side story

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"Mabel! What do you want for Christmas?" Dipper wonders. I smiled widely. We were in my room, Wendy and I were playing a game.

"For you and Bill get married." I chuckle. Dipper's face goes red. He hits my shoulder. Wendy was laughing in the background.

"A different than that one!" He shouts at me.

"Fine! Get me a blender! I need to make my Mabel juice!" I shout.

"Whoa! It's been a while since I heard Mabel juice. Anything else?" He wonders.

"Maybe get me a big stuff animal that is a bunny." I said. He sighs a little.

"Got it. The blender." He walks out.

"Now back to the game!" I said. Wendy smiles.

"I'm gonna beat you this time!" She shouts. Before we could continue, Bill comes in.

"Hey Mabel. Wendy, what do you want for Christmas?" He wonders. Wendy and I smiled.

"For you and Dipper to get married." We said in unison.

"No. I thought you and PineTree are supposed to be twins, not you and Wendy." Bill said.

"I know. I thought you and Dipper were together, not me and you." I said back. I notice Wendy trying to hold back her laugh.

"We aren't together. And, I am together with Dipper" Bill said.

"Really? Why don't I see you two together?"

"Because Mabel, we are trying to get presents for each other and trying not to find out."

"Really? I mean this is you and Dipper."

"What do you mean?"

"Get me a sketch book."

"Get me chips and soda." Wendy calls out.

"Fine! You guys won't answer me!" Bill walks out with a pout.  Both Wendy and I laughed really loud.
I was in my room, on the desk, looking at my phone. I looked online to find a blender. Then I hear laugher from the room below. Then, a few minutes later Bill came in and flopped into the bed.

"Mabel and Wendy are such a pain!" Bill shouts into a pillow.

"It's Mabel. It's her thing. That's one good thing." I said. I smiled a little.

"I guess... that is one thing I don't want her to change." Bill said.

"Who's winning? Mabel or Wendy?"


"What did she ask you for Christmas?" I asked.

"A sketch book. What about you?"

"A blender. For Mabel juice." Then Bill hugs me from behind. I face him and smiled. Then, his lips touches mine.

Gravity Falls BillDip: My Christmas With You Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant