Chapter 13 - Our Ending. New beginning

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Dipper said yes. They both smiled and hugged one another. Then they kissed.. I smiled a little sadly. I video taped the whole thing.
I kissed Bill over and over again. Laughing and smiling. Bill picks me up and swings me around. Everyone around us cheered and smiled. Our forehead touched one another. We closed our eyes. Everyone around us partying, drinking juice and soda. The ring Bill got me, was on my finger

"Did you do this alone?" I asked. Bill chunked a little.

"No. I had your sister to help." He tells me. I laugh a little. I opened my eyes, I glance over to look for Mabel. She was talking to Wendy and laughing.

"Who wouldn't thought that, Mabel Pines. Who was never scared of you, got us together." I said. Bill smiles.

"Mabel Pines will be our wedding planner. She's shipped us before anyone else." Bill answers back.

7 Months Later. July 6th
"I'm nervous!" I mumble. It was our wedding day. I was alone, walking around. Mumbling to myself until the door opened. It was Mabel. Her was up kinda.

"Boy, stop acting nervous. Bill also is nervous. Geez, both of you need to calm down." Mabel complains. I laugh a little. Mabel smiles a little.

"I'm also excited." I said. I face Mabel with a smile. She smiles back,

"For what? Starting a new life with him?" She wonders.

"Yeah. Starting life with Bill. It seems fun but scary." I said. Mabel pats me on the back. Then I realized that I was looking down.

"Wedding starts soon. I'll be with the both of you all the way. No I won't help you guys run away during the wedding. No I'm not gonna help destroy the wedding and no I'm not gonna help summon something." Mabel goes on and on. I laugh a little.

The wedding starts. Bill was already there. At the end. I start walking down, Mabel was standing there, waiting for me. Bill was also waiting. Mom and dad weren't there, that kinda makes me sad. When I got there, Bill smiles at me. The man goes on talking and talking. We say our vows and kiss.

"I love you!" I tell him. He chuckles.

"I love you more." He tells me back. We both laugh and ran out of the building together.

Few Hours Later
Our wedding party was going on, I look around for Mabel. She wasn't around, I look outside. Mabel was out by the balcony.

"Hey Mabel. How are you?" I asked. I stand next to Mabel, handing her a drink. She doesn't look at me and looks in the distance.

"What's wrong with you?" She wonders. That catches me off guard. I laugh a little.

"As expected. You caught on..." I laugh it off. There was a silence for a bit.

"What are you scared for?" She wonders. I look over to her, her smile was a sad one.

"Starting a life with Bill. Afraid to start a new life where I won't have you around to tell us not to be dumb." I explain.

"I won't always be around idiot. I will call once in a while. You guys will live here. I will live somewhere else. But I will come visit." She faces me and smiles.

"I'm afraid of this ending! This is ending! For us! For me! I don't know how to feel!" I shout. Tears start forming into my eyes. I hear foot steps coming over to us.

"Don't be then." Mabel replies. I look at her after wiping my tears. I got the feeling Bill also was. "Be happy this is ending because a new beginning is happening. All of this maybe ending but, a new beginning is more exciting!" Mabel spins in circles.

"A new beginning?" I asked. Mabel nods.

"A new beginning where it's almost the same. Things change Dipper. This is a end of our high school lives. Now we are in adult hood. This beginning is exciting! Meetings new people, new goals, many more." Mabel tells us. I smile a little but gets bigger.

A beginning. A ending. The end is where everything ends but not everything. A beginning is where new things happen. We meet more people, we meet goals, fails, troubles and more. Mabel taught me this.  Thank you Mabel.

That day on, I don't know what happen to Mabel. She never came to visit us. She disappeared and no one remembers. Not even Bill. What happen to Mabel?

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