Chapter 10

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Tyler's POV

Josh and I arrive at my house.  I'm surprised when I see another car in my driveway.  I recognize it as my mothers car.  It's an odd sight, my mothers car in my driveway on a Tuesday.  I'm dumbfounded by the sight.

"Who's car is that?" Josh asks as we get out of his truck.

"It's my mom's." The confusion seeps through my voice. As we walk into my house I hear my mothers voice ring through the house.

"Tyler? Is that you hunny?"

"Yeah mom it's me. What are you doing home?" I ask walking into the living room. Josh follows at my heals.

"I took the day off." Her eyes shift from me to Josh then back to me. Her face seems confused and I don't blame her. I've said it many times now, I've never had friends before Josh.

"Who is this?"

"Hi Mrs.Joseph I'm Josh. I'm one of Tyler's friends from school." Josh stretches out his arm as he introduces himself. My mothers face changes from confusion to joy.

"You said one of, so there are more friends?" She cautiously asks.

"Yes ma'ma. Patrick, Awsten and I are Tyler's best friends." Josh smiles as he raps his arm around my shoulder playfully. My mom just smiles.

"Well you boys have fun but Tyler please make sure you get your homework done."

I smile and nod my head. Josh and I leave the room and head up to my bedroom. I plop down on my bed and Josh does the same.

"Your mom seems nice." Josh breaks the silent.

"She is, she's just always busy which sucks."

"Yeah, that sucks."

We fall into a comfortable silence. I stare straight ahead at my wall. Josh is first to break the silent after about 2 minutes.

"So, yesterday you told me you were talking to Brendon but I was the only one in the room. Who is Brendon?  I know he's your friend but who is he?"  Josh seems genuinely caring.  There isn't a hint of judgement in his voice.  Yet the caring can't stop my eyes from forming tears.  I try my best to hid it by looking at my lap but Josh sees the first tear slip out.

"Hey hey it's okay if you don't want to tell me you don't have too." I can hear the sad smile.  He pulled me into his chest.  1 tear can start a flood.  It can but it won't today. 

I draw back the tears before speaking.  "No I can tell you.  Just please keep it a secret, please Joshy."

I take a deep breath before I start to explain.  "You know how when your little you have imaginary friends?" I pull away from his chest so I can look at how his face changes when I talk.

"Yeah, I used to have one." He smiles.

"Well I had two, Dallon and Brendon.  They have always been my best friends especially when I couldn't make any in school.  When I was younger my parents knew about them but they started to get worried about them as I got older.  My parents were a lot more present when I was younger so they would see me talking to my friends.  They took me to doctors when I turned 8, they didn't think it was normal for an 8 year old to be having imaginary friends.  None of the doctors seemed too worried, they told my parents I would grow out of it.  The thing is I never grew out of it."  I sigh.  I think for a moment on how to continue. 

"When I turned 10 my parents had my youngest brother Jay, a few month after Jay was born they decided to focus on there careers.  I guess my parents got tired of being parents, I don't really know.  They were almost never home and I was a ten year old.  We had nannies to take care of us but they all kind of sucked. That's when I started relying more on Brendon and Dallon.  I didn't have anyone at school or at home, the only people I had was my imaginary friends.  That's what everyone else called them at least but to me they were never imaginary.  To me they are just my friends." 

Josh's face shifts from confusion to empathy to a face that looks like he's reanalyzing the story.  We sit silently for a moment.  The waiting for Josh to say something is killing me.

"I know I'm crazy."  I finally break the silence.

"No your not.  Your not crazy Ty."  He finally speaks.

"Look at him he's judging you.  He thinks your crazy." Nico snickers.

I can feel my breath picking up and my chest starts to feel tight.

"Breath Tyler breath." Dallon speaks over Nico. "Just breath."

I try my best to focus on my breathing but it proves to be easier said then done. As hard as I try to slow my breathing it only grows faster.  I shut my eyes in an attempt to help myself.  I suddenly jump when I feel something touch my hand.  I slowly lift my eye lids to find Josh's hand on mine. 

"It's truly okay Tyler, I don't think you're crazy.  I think you are perfectly sane.  Okay Ty, okay?" Josh pulls me into a reassuring hug.  I wanted to cry but I don't instead I just focus on my breathing.  I repeat Josh's words over in my head.

"So not crazy?" I ask.

"Not crazy." Once again I can hear a smile but this time there is no sadness. 

We sit there for a while in silence.  A silence that doesn't have an ounce of judgement.  I listen to the silence in the air.  Even if my head isn't quiet it's nice to know that the air is.  We sit still until there is a light knock at my door.  I jump away from Josh just as my mother opens the door.

"Hey boys I just want to know if Josh is going to be staying for dinner?" My mother asks.

"Oh I don't want to be any trouble Mrs.Joseph." Josh politely says.  There is this odd sadness in his voice that I pick up on.

"Oh don't worry hun it's no trouble at all.  Would you boys like pizza or pasta?"

I take a quick look at Josh and at the same time we both say in unison "pizza!"

"Pizza it is.  I have to pick up Jay and Zach from John's house and Maddy from cheer.  After that I'll be home with the pizza." She smiles and leaves the room.

"Pizza sweet."  Josh awkwardly say.

"Yeah sweet."

I'm actually so excited about this book I've been writing so much.  I'm also super hyped for Waterparks new album fandom!!!! I pre-ordered the vinyl record and can't wait to get it. 

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