Chapter 12

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Tyler's POV

"Hey Tyler?  Are you asleep?"  A small whisper comes from the boy next to me.  I hum in response as I just stare at the roof.  "I can't sleep either." He sighs. 

"Anything I can do to help?" I absentmindedly asks.  It's silent for a minute as the boy thinks.

"I don't know.." he trails off.  "Your going to think it's weird."

"Trust me nothing is weirder than having voices in your head." I laugh a bit.

"It's just.." he sighs.  "Do you think you could lay closer to me, it's just really hard for me to sleep alone and there's not an extra pillow for me to hug."  He speaks so fast I almost couldn't understand a thing he said.

"You mean you want to cuddle?" I ask.

"It's weird, I'm sorry.  You don't have to." He turns away from me.

"No it's not weird." I quickly say and he lays back down on his back.

"Are you sure?"  His voice sounds worried.  I hum in response again and move closer to him.  I lay my head on his bare chest and close my eyes.  "Thank you." His voice is calming.

"Good night Joshy." I curl closer to him without even thinking.

"Good night."

I fall asleep laying on Josh's chest with him playing with my hair.


I always wake up about a minute before my alarm.  I don't know why I even set an alarm at this point.  This morning was no different, I wake up a look at my clock.  It's a minute before my alarm will go off.  Josh is still sound asleep, he looks so peaceful.  I lay my head back down on Josh's chest and wait for my alarm.  It's not long when my alarm goes off and the most dreadful sound plays.  Josh whines, I hear his hand move over to the alarm and hit a button.  I pretend like I've been asleep the whole time.

"Hey Ty we got to wake up." He shakes my shoulder slightly.

"Five more minutes." I whine.

"Come on I don't want to be late." He starts to sit up.

"Five minutes please." I pin him back down.

"Two minutes that's it."  Josh relaxes again and lays down.  I close my eyes laying close to Josh.  I really don't want to go to school today, I just want to lay here forever. It feels like two seconds and not two minutes when Josh suddenly sits up.


"We got to get ready for school." Josh walks over to my closet.  "Hey I'm going to barrow some cloths okay?"

"Sure, can you pick something out for me so I can just lay here."  I hear josh laugh from the closet.  A few moments later josh comes out of the closet wearing my bright yellow hoodie and a pair of basketball shorts.

"Your going to be cold in shorts."

"I'll be fine." He smiles and walks back into the closet.  Moments later he pulls out my outfit. In his hands he has a pair of black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and my floral camono.

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