Chapter 24

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Tyler's POV

"That was mean you know?" Brendon talks loudly.  I just glare at him.  "I really don't understand you. It's obvious that Josh likes you and you like him, so why did you just do that?  Look at him you hurt his heart."

I look over to see Josh staring down at his lap clearly deep in thought.  His hands are laced together tightly sitting on his lap.  I frown as a wave of hurt washes over me.  I didn't mean to hurt Joshy, I never want to hurt him.  It's just I was scared of holding his hand right at this moment.  I mean we are in church and next to my parents, that's not the right place to hold hands with a boy.  Right?  I just feel terrible now.  I give Brendon a sad look to let him know how I feel.  He's standing beside the pew and he places a hand on my shoulder.

"You're just going to have to make this right later." I just sigh in responses.  I look down at my lap just like Josh.  The sermon begins and I find it very hard to concentrate.   I normally love listening to the priest talk but today my brain wonders and is uninterested.  I look over at Josh a few times but he never looks back.  He barley moves expect for his leg shaking fast up and down.  About half way through the sermon he finally looks up at me.

"Is there a bathroom somewhere?" He whispers in my ear.  I nod my head yes then lean over him to whisper to Jay who's next to Josh.

"Tell mom I'm taking Josh to be bathroom." I whisper and like a game of telephone the message goes down the pew to my mother.  She leans forward so I can see her and nods her head then mouths 'be quick'.  We get up and start walking towards the doors in the back.  It's always such an awkward thing getting up in the middle of church.  There's always people who will stare at you wondering why you are leaving.  I try my best to ignore it as we make our way to the door.   We walk through the door and there are two sets of stairs.  We walk down into a much darker hallway.  There's a single light and it's not as pretty as the other halls in the church.  It's actually a little creepy.  It's a short hallway though with only a few doors.  There is an open door that leads into a large dark room and two closed doors.  One closed door clearly has closet marked over head so Josh knocks on the other.  When there is no response so he opens the door.  It leads to a small bathroom with only a sink and a toilet out very closely together.  He walks in a closed the door and I can hear it lock.

"Why are churches so creepy?" Brendon asks.  I lean up against an empty wall.

"They're not its just this hallway because we are alone." I respond.  I look at a large Mary statue standing at the end of  the hall.  "They are normally peaceful."

"Are you going to apologize to Joshua?" He quickly changes the subject.  I nod my head yes.  "I suggest sooner rather then later."

"Okay, as soon as he comes out." I mumble.  The air falls silent for a moment before Bren and Dal start talking amongst themselves.  I don't pay to much attention to then because I'm busy thinking of how to apologize to Josh. A few more minutes pass and Josh is still in the bathroom.  I start to get worried. "He's been in there a while." I look at Brendon.

"You should check on him." Brendon looks worried. 

I knock on the door lightly at first.  There is no response so I knock a little louder.  "Hey Joshy are you alright?" I say just loud enough for him to hear.  There is no response again but I can hear moving then the door unlocking.  I wait a moment before opening the door.  I open it slowly and I can see Josh curled up in the corner with his arms over his face and tucked into his knees.  I can tell he's breathing heavily.  I walk over to him slowly and kneel down. I put my hand on his shoulder and I can feel him crying.  "Hey talk to me.  What's wrong?" I say to him.  He doesn't respond he doesn't even look up.  My heart sinks even farther then ever.  "Joshy please talk to me."  I mutter feeling like crying. 

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