Chapter 18

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Tyler's POV

"Don't jinx me Bren." I whisper over to the seat next to me. I make sure nobody else can hear me.

"What all I'm saying is you survived an hour and 45 minutes in the same room as Kyle and haven't died." He puts his hands up defensively.

"Shhh" I quietly hiss at him and he just shrugs. There's only about 15 minutes left in detention and I can't wait to leave. Kyle walked in after I already sat down and he choose the seat right behind me. He has been periodically kicking the back of my seat but he could do way worse. Awsten is sitting to my left and gives Kyle a death stare every time he kicks me. Brendon is on my right and even though Kyle can't see him, he's also helping me. He's kinda like my emotional support I guess. I'm extremely bored just sitting here tapping my feet and fingers. The teacher in charge barely takes her eyes away from us for even a moment. About an hour in she caught Awsten with his phone and took it away. He tried to put up a fight and made up this whole elaborate story about how the world is a simulation and therefore he wasn't actually on his phone. She obviously didn't find it as humorous as Awsten did. Brendon loved it though. They are both bone heads so that makes sense.

I mindlessly stare at the clock as I watch the last ten minutes slowly pass. It's funny how some times 10 minutes can fly by so quickly and other times in can feel like an eternity. I wish this time it could be the first one but instead it's the later. I honestly feel like banging my head against the desk until the time passes.

"What if Kyle attacks you right outside the classroom?" Nico asks. "Just a question I'm not saying it's going to happen but I'm not say it's not going to happen." Nico's question starts to make me worried. It is a possibility, what if he does attack me? What would I do? Would Awsten even help me or would he just watch laughing? "He would probably laugh at you. Awsten would definitely find it funny. You can't trust him he's crazy, he's probably faking being you're friend. He's definitely going to help Kyle beat you up."

I quickly shut my eyes shaking my head. I try my hardest to wipe Nico's paranoid words out of my brain. His words are etched into my thoughts and start to make me feel his paranoia.

"You should make Nico pay rent for living in you're brain. You clearly don't want him there." Brendon jokes. A smile starts to grow on my face as I try to hold back a laugh. The more I think about it the more it makes me want to laugh. A small giggle escapes at first. It was quiet and barely audible but it quickly grew louder. I started to get a few strange looks as I laughed at to them was absolutely nothing. Awsten gives me a questioning look before he joins me in laughter. I grow quite confused as to why he is laughing but I keep laughing. We laugh for about a minute together before both our laughter dies and silent falls over the classroom again. I look over at the confused and frustrated look on the teachers face. Her face slowly turns into defeat.

"I don't get paid enough to deal with this." She mumbles under her breath before announcing "you all are dismissed". Everyone quickly gets up and hurries to the door. Awsten and I take our time and stop at the teachers desk before leaving.

"May you be so kind as to hand my phone back to it's rightful owner." Awsten asks in a fake posh voice as he extends his arm. The teacher sighs before handing the phone over. Awsten takes an over dramatic bow before leaving the room. I follow closely behind. We make our way about half way out of the building before being stopped.

"You both are fucking crazy." Kyle says getting in our faces.

"And you're a fucking moron. Glad we got that all cleared up." Awsten says with a face smile.

"That fucking smart ass mouth of yours is going to get you killed." Kyle shoves Awsten. Surprisingly Awsten stands his ground barley even flinching from the shove.

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