Chapter 17

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Josh's POV

The past day or two I've been trying to keep a closer eye on Tyler because he's been acting weird. He either will get super aggressive and paranoid out of nowhere or he'll be overly excited and happy. He's also been talking a lot more to Brendon.  It's Saturday morning and I check the time to see that Awsten and Tyler's detention should be starting soon.  It's 9:45 and the detention starts at 10.  I'm a little anxious because Tyler is going to be in the same room as Kyle for the next 2 hours.  I really hope that the teacher today is one that actually watches and not one that leaves the room or sits on there laptop not caring what everyone does.  I mean I have no doubt that Awsten will help stick up for Ty if Kyle try's to start anything but the problem is that Awsten is scrawny.  Kyle could beat Awsten into the ground if he wanted to.

I roll out of my bed and walk over to the mirror in my room. I look at my bare chest in the mirror. I winch as I run my fingers over the deep bruises all over my torso. I turn around a see a deep black and blue bruise on my shoulder blade. I let out a long breath as I painfully roll my shoulder. I turn back around so I'm facing the mirror again, looking over all the bruises again. I let out another shaky breath. I peel my eyes away from the painful sight.  I slowly walk out of my room into the hallway.  I see Jordan's door is cracked slightly open and I can hear music coming from inside.  I make my way over to his room and lightly knock on his door just loud enough for him to hear over the music.  After waiting a moment I push the door open wider.  Jordan looks up from his phone as I walk in. 

"Hey bud." I say.  I see Jordan's eyes widen as he scans over my chest.  After a few moments he quickly looks down at the ground.

"Hey Josh." He has a sad look on his face. "I'm really sorry Josh.  I don't know what got into me, I just got so angry and..." he trails off as he nervously twirls his thumbs.

"I've told you before that it's fine.  Just don't worry about it, okay?" His eyes flicker up then quickly move back down to the floor.  He slowly nods his head yes.  "Good.  I'm going to the diner to get some breakfast you want to come?"

"Sure give me like 15 minutes to get ready." He finally smiles as I agree.  I go back to my room to get ready, I throw on a random shirt, a plain black hoodie, and a pair of skinny jeans.  I fix up my purple hair a bit before heading down stairs. 

"Hey you almost done slow poke?" I yell as I pass Jordan's door and bang my fist against it. 

"Yeah I'll be down in like a second." He yells back.  I quickly jog down the stairs as I grab my car keys.  I run outside to warm up the car then quickly run back into the warmth of my house.  I lay down on the couch as I wait for Jordan.  After about five minutes Jordan comes downstairs ready to go.  We get to the car and make our way to the diner.  Jordan immediately steals the aux cord and plays his music.  He blasts his music extremely loudly.  My mind drifts as I drive.

It drifts over to a few days ago.  My mind returns to when I came home to another fight between Jordan and my mother.  They were yelling again about the same fight.  The fight about my father.  When I walked in I saw my mother up against the wall and Jordan was standing over her.  Jordan is slightly taller than her so he was looking down on her.  He was yelling at her and she was crying.  All of a sudden Jordan slapped her across the face and suddenly I was pushing him.  I saw him on the floor with a look on his face that I've never seen on him before.  He looked so angry and just like our father. He was suddenly up on his feet ramming me up against a wall.  He was yelling at me but my head felt buzzed and I can't really remember what was being said.  I can remember my mother yelling for Jordan to get off of me.  Her tears staining her cheeks.  That's when the first punch landed on me.  Right in the middle of my stomach.  He punched me repeatedly all over my chest and stomach.  I was so disoriented and helpless, I just stood there taking each punch until he tired himself out.  When he finally gave up and walked away I fell to the floor coughing. 

We pulled up to the diner and found a parking spot right away.  As we got out of the car I felt my phone buzz.  I see that it's Awsten texting in the group chat.


Aren't you not supposed to have your phone in detention?


I'm down to hang and how's Ty doing?


That's because he's smarter than you


The conversation dies and Jordan and I get seated right away in the diner.  We silently look threw the menu.  We quickly decide and order.  I order an omelet and Jordan orders waffles.

"I'm starving I can't wait to eat." I smile at Jordan.

"Yeah me too." Jordan quietly agrees.

"So do you have any plans today?  Going out with any friends?" I ask.  Jordan has always struggled with making new friends unlike me.  I never worried too much about moving around a lot  because I have always been able to make new friends easily. Jordan on the other hand is a lot more shy so friends don't come as easily.

"Not really I'm probably just going to watch Netflix and game and shit." He shrugs his shoulders.  I frown at his answer.  "What about you?" He asks.

"Well I was going to go out with some friends. Do you want to come?  Get out of the house for a bit?" I feel bad for him, he's constantly home alone.

"I'm fine.  I'm sure your friends don't want to hang out with your little brother." He gives me a half smile to convince me that he's fine being home.

"I'm like 100% sure they wouldn't mind and if they do they will just have to deal with it."  I smile brightly at him and he mirrors it.

"Fine you win." He says.

Our food arrives shortly after that and we both devour every bite.  I pay for both mine and Jordan's food then we head back home to wait until Awsten and Tyler will be out of detention.

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