Chapter 26

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Tyler's POV

I've never actually snuck out of my house.  I've never had a reason to but today I do.  I'm terrified that I'll get caught and have to face my dads anger but all I want is to go out tonight.  Out with my boyfriend, man is that weird to think, my boyfriend.  I've put on almost all my clothes in my closet trying to find the right outfit.  I end up settling on some boring black skinny jeans and a blue and purple Mickey Mouse t-shirt.  It's a pretty lame outfit and I know I'm going to be freezing in it but it's the best I got that's clean. I make sure to clean up my face so it doesn't look like I've been crying. I texted Josh to wait at the bottom of my drive way and text me when he gets here. I can't risk one of my siblings or parents seeing his truck.

As I wait for the text I look at my wall. A hole that fits my fist perfectly. My hand throbs as I stare at the hole. My parents are going to freak if they see it. I sigh and try to think of a way to cover it. I don't have any posters in my room so there's no easy solution.

"Hey Breadbin? Daldo? You there?" I speak aloud. I wait a few moments for an answer but there is none. Not from them at least.

"You really screwed everything up haven't you?" Nico laughs. "They left you because your just so god damn annoying. Always whining and starting problems. I'm surprised they stuck around this long."

"I just can't hear them right now. They are just busy." I mutter. His words are ten times louder when it's only him. Luckily Josh texts me. I tell him I'm on my way down and I leave my room. I'm careful to be very quiet, not letting any floor boards creek. I get about half way down before I'm stopped. Zach stops me and looks me up and down.

"What's on your hand?" He asks.

"Oh nothing just... nothing." I stutter out and shove it into my pocket. I breath in harshly as my knuckles hit the bottom of my pocket a little harder than I wanted.

"Tyler what have you done? How did you hurt your hand?"

"Punched a hole in the wall." I mumble so quietly I'm certain he didn't get a word. He gives me a look, it's a look that just about everyone in my family can do. This look says you better tell me now or I'm going to snitch. "I punched a hole in the wall."

"You did what? Why would you do that?" He sighs. "My other question is where are you going?"

"Uh out." I leave it simple. "With Josh."

"Okay I get that you two are friends but you guys just hung out and mom and dad are going to be royally pissed off if you aren't at dinner. I know you are the good one between the two of us so why are you sneaking out? What's so important?" He questions me farther. He still has the don't lie to me face.

"I have a date." I look down at my feet.

"A date? With who? Who is she?" Zach looks all excited suddenly.

"Well..." I train off. "I already said his name."

"Joshua? That's actually awesome. Get out before mom calls dinner and I'll cover for you." He says with a huge smile.

"Really?" I cheer up instantly.

"Of course but I want to talk later." He smiles. I thank him before heading back towards the door. I shut the front door as quietly as possible then head down the driveway. As I walk down my long driveway I feel like I'm being watched. I keep looking back at the windows on my house but I can't see anyone. I gradually start to pick up my pace until I'm sprinting. I finally reach his truck and jump into the front seat. I'm breathing heavily.

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