Chapter 22

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Tyler's POV

Since it's late on a Saturday night my whole family is home. They always try to be home relatively early so it's not a struggle to get up in the morning for church. My whole family always goes to 7:00 mass together, it's like the only thing we still do together. I don't really like getting up early but if it means my whole family is together then I would be happy to get up at the crack of dawn. We all put on some nice clothes to go, Jay always looks so cute in his dress shirt. Most Sundays we go out for breakfast after church as well which is always so much fun.

"Looks like everyone is home." Josh observes.

"Yeah, Saturday nights and Sundays are the only times any one is home." I tell him as he puts the car in park. We walk inside and past the living room. We don't get far in before my mother calls us into the living room. I'm there is my father, mother and brother Zach.

"Hey hun where were you all day?" She asks.

"Just out with friends." I casually say. God that's weird to say.

"Next time I want a text to let me know your out." She sternly tells me.

"Okay." I roll my eyes. "It's not like you care anyway." I mumble under my breath. I don't think my mom heard me but Josh surly did. He nudged me slightly to tell me not to talk back. I let out a soft chuckle.

"Is Josh staying over because it's getting quite late." She continues. I simply shrug my shoulder and look over at Josh for an answer.

"Uh I'm not sure." He smiles at me then my mother.

"Okay just let me know. Just so you know we go to church at 7 in the morning, you are welcomed to come if you want." She offers. I tell her we will be in my room and that I'll let her know if Josh decides to sleep over. We rush up to my room so we aren't stopped again. As we enter the room I see Josh yawning.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"Eh just a bit." He yawns again sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Eh just a bit" I say in a mocking voice as I slowly walk over to him. "You're so fricking tired." I stand fight in front of him.

"And you're so fricking hot." He suddenly says. I can feel my cheeks being covered in blush. Out of nowhere Josh pulls me down on his lap. He pulls me down so I'm facing him. Our faces are so close to each other. I can feel his breath on me. He leans his head closer so our foreheads are touching.

"Josh..." I trial off not really know what to say.

"He's flirting with you. That's the answer to the question you want to ask. He's flirting with you and it's fucking adorable." Brendon says with glee. A wide smile forms on my face.

"Josh are you flirting with me?" I ask with a huge dorky smile.

"What how dare you accuse me of that." He abruptly pulls his face away from me. "I don't even like you Tyler. Not even an a tiny bit." I frown at his words. I know it's a joke but is it?  "Because if I did like you" he slowly starts moving his face closer to mine again. "If we entertain the thought of me flirting with you, I might do something like kiss you on the cheek." He says then immediately places a light small kiss on my cheek. I giggle lightly. "Or maybe I would place a small kiss on your nose." Once again he does what he says. I smile brightly and Josh does the same. "And maybe just maybe if I really did like you, I would kiss you right on the lips." He pauses a moment. "But that of course would only be if I liked you which I don't." He smiles and I frown. He places his forehead against mine again.

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