Chapter 16

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Tyler's POV

I quickly lock the stall door. My breath is so heavy, I feel as though I'm getting no air in my lungs. There is a light knock on the door. I beg for it to be anyone but Brendon as tears start to slip down my face.

"Hey Tyler are you okay?" Brendon softly asks.

"You're not real!" I scream covering my ears. "You're not real and the fact that I can see you means that I'm truly crazy."

"Ty it's not like this is the first time you have seen me." I hear his voice clearly even with my ears tightly plugged.

"I was ten, you where my imaginary friend. Imaginary Brendon! IMAGINARY!" I repeatedly yell imaginary so I don't give him a chance to speak. I can see from under the stall door that he is impatiently tapping his foot. I quiet down and the air returned to silence only for a moment.

"Are you done?" He has the tone of a mother would after a young child threw a tantrum.

"Yes." I sheepishly reply. I kinda embarrassed that I can so easily act like a five year old.

"Can you open the door?" He asks with a softer tone. I calmly move to the door and unlock it without a word. It slowly swings open and our eyes lock. "I'm real Tyler and I'm here to help you."

"Help me with what?"

"With your boy problems obviously." He smiles and I giggle a little. "Can I at least get a hug? I mean you haven't actually seen me since we were ten."

I pull Brendon into a tight hug. I'm shocked when I don't move right through him. I rap my arms around him and feel his shirt move as my hand slightly rubs his back. I can feel his arms against me and his hands firmly on my back. I feel his head rest against my shoulder and I dig my face into his neck, feeling my face against his skin. When we pull away I'm left feeling safe but confused. I'm just about ready to go back to lunch when I hear my name being called.

"Tyler? Tyler are you okay?" Josh runs up to me with deep concern sketched into his face.

"J-Josh." I stutter. He immediately pulls me into a tight hug. It's just like the hug I had with Brendon seconds before. It feels just the same, just as real. I look over Josh's shoulder and see Brendon leaning against the wall. He has a wide smirk on his face.

"Are you okay Ty?" Josh asks as he pulls away. I nod my head yes. "I'm okay now." I give Josh a small smile.

"What happened did I say something or was it Awsten or..."

"No it was nothing said by any of you." I cut him off. "I just suddenly wasn't feeling too good."

"Do you need to go home? You're probably not completely better from yesterday." Josh is so caring and the guilt of yelling at him hits me again. I had no right to yell at him before, I just got so angry for no reason.

"Apologize to him." Brendon speaks up.

I take his advice "I'm sorry I got mad and yelled at you earlier. It was wrong and I really don't know where that anger came from." I see Bren smile and give me two thumbs up.

"That doesn't matter I just care if you're okay." I smile at him and pull Josh into a hug again.

"Thank you Joshy." My words are muffled since my head is in the crook of his neck.  I feel so safe in Josh's arms and I don't want to let go.  I can hear someone walking into the bathroom and I know I should let go of Josh but I really don't want to.  As the foot steps get louder Josh quickly shoved me away from him.  I'm taken aback and give him a confused look.  Then I look over at Bren for an explanation. 

"He uh probably thought it would look weird if he was hugging a dude in the boys bathroom." Bren stutters out.  I slowly nod my head yes as I try to understand.  My breathing hitched as Kyle walks into the bathroom with a few of his 'friends'. 

"Oh look at what we have here." One of Kyle's shadows smirk. "A little twat."

"Hey Josh what the fuck are you doing with crazy?" Kyle shoves his dumb follower behind him.

"Nothing just leave him alone." Josh stands up straight.

"What now you defend him? Is he like your boyfriend or some shit?" Kyle gets in Josh's face.

"No, I-I just think if you keep beating up on him you might get in some trouble." Josh slightly stutters.

"I'll give you a pass since I kinda like you but get in my way again and I won't hesitate to knock you out cold." Kyle threatens. "Now get the fuck out of here." He directs the last bit more towards me than Josh. We both start to walk towards the door before we are stopped. "Hold up Josh come here."

Josh hesitates but ultimately walks back towards Kyle. Kyle whispers something in Josh's ear before holding out his fist. Josh hesitates for a moment again but lightly hits his fist against Kyle's. I look at Bren and sent him a look that says 'what's you're explanation for that?'

He shrugs "I honestly got nothing for this, sorry."

We get back into the hallway and I instantly start asking Josh questions. "What the actual heck was that? Are you friends with Kyle now?"

"What no. You think I would be friends with that asshole after what he did to you?" He sounds annoyed that I could even think he would be friends with Kyle.

"Well then can I know why you two were all buddy buddy in there?" We start our way back to the cafeteria.

"He was just going easy on me because I'm new." Josh shrugs his shoulders.

"But.." I'm interrupted by Brendon.

"Just leave it Ty. You don't want to make him annoyed at you twice in one day."

I sigh. "Okay."

As we take our seats back in the cafeteria I see both Awsten and Patrick's worried faces on me.

"Are you okay Tyler?" Patrick softly asks. I nod my head in response as I reach over and steal a fry from Awsten.

"Hey just because you aren't feeling well doesn't mean you can take my food." He swats my hand down as I try to snatch another but fail. Josh's laughs at my failed attempts. Josh quickly snatches the entire box of fries off of Awsten's tray.

"See Ty that's how you do it." Josh smiles.

"Hey what the fuck give those back." Awsten protests.

"Sorry bud karma is a bitch." Josh laughs as he shoves more fries in his mouth.

"What no I paid my father's money for that." He laughs as he stops trying to get his fries back. "You win this time but only because I kinda deserve it."

Josh and I share the stolen fries and every now and then there is a low grumble from Awsten. I look over at Brendon who is still very visible to only my eyes. He's laughing at the jokes just like everyone else at the table which is the oddest thing. He catches me staring and looks back at me.

"God I love your new friends. Especially Josh he's a keeper." Bren smiles ear to ear. I smile right back at him.

"Yeah he really is."

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