Chapter 25

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Tyler's POV

After breakfast Josh drove himself home.  I went straight up to my room and sat on my bed.  I have way too much time before Josh will pick me up.  I'm so nervous and excited at the same time.  It's weird because really it's just us hanging out together but it feels so much more important. My brain starts going wild.

"I can't believe your falling for this." Nico snickers. "Josh has truly tricked you. He has you rapped around his finger tip."

"Shut up." I mumble. I'm really getting sick of Nico's words. He's always such an asshole.

"Go away you dick sucker." Brendon yells.

"Bren that's a horrible comeback." Dallon laughs.

"Nice of you to show up Dallon it's been awhile." I say as I lay down on my bed. "Where have you been."

"He's jealous that you can see me and not him." Brendon says giddy, he's got a big smile.

"No I'm not. I don't get jealous, especially not of you." He mumbles. I can tell he's so jealous but I don't blame him. It was so much fun when we were little and I could see both of them. I kinda miss it to be honest. I mean I'm happy to have real friends now but they are still my best friends.

"Pathetic, all three of you." Nico snickers. "Tyler being able to see you is just farther proof that he's getting more and more crazy everyday. How do we even know that Josh, Awsten and Patrick aren't just more voices. They can be just more crazy. Figments of his imagination." His words cut deep into me. I can feel them tearing away at me. It sinks in that what he says could be true. It took me years to figure out that Brendon and Dallon aren't real to others. Maybe they are just more voices, more crazy. My excitement quickly fades and turns into worry.

"Maybe..." I mumble before training off into silence.

"No, Ty stop. Don't do this to yourself." Brendon walks up to me and sits down on the edge of my bed. "Awsten is real. Patrick is real. Josh, well your Joshy is the realest out of them all."

"You don't know. There is no proof that they are real." I yell. I shove my head into my pillow. I know it's a childish reaction but I really don't want to see him right now.

"Oh come on. Ty what about your mom and dad and siblings? They all talked to Josh. Then there is Pete, Geoff, and Andy he'll even Jordan, how did they interact with everyone?" I can tell Bren is getting upset with me.  It doesn't matter if he's mad I'm mad too.

"They could all be fake."  My words are muffled by the pillow. 

"How?  Your being ridiculous."

"B calm down.  He's obviously not going to listen right now.  Let him think what he wants for now."  Dallon calmly says. 

"He's acting like a fucking child.  Why do you always let him get away with this stuff.  It's bullshit." Bren yells. 

"You are both acting like children."  Dally mumbles.

"Seems like there is trouble in paradise with the perfect couple here." Nico laughs.

"Shut up Nico."  They both shout at the same time.

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