Chapter 13

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Tyler's POV

All day in class I catch Josh staring at me.  It's weird, we often have silent conversations during class but this isn't that kind of staring.  Whenever I catch him staring he quickly looks away and a blush spreads across his face.  Brendon keeps teasing me saying it's because 'Josh has a crush on me' but I don't believe him.  Brendon is always teasing me and this is no different.  Besides I don't even like guys and it doesn't seem like Josh does either.  I'm first to arrive at the lunch table so I wait and scroll through my phone.

"Okay Tyler I'm not just teasing you I genuinely think Josh has a crush on you. Come on all the signs are there." Brendon comments.

"Come on Bren he doesn't believe you." Dallon joins in. "Even though it's 100% true."

"So now you're in on it too." I sigh.

"You and Josh are my otp." I laugh at this comment and I that moment Awsten and Patrick sit down across from me.

"What are we laughing at?" Awsten asks as he sits.

"Nothing, just my phone." I lie.

"Oh do you know where Josh is?"  Patrick asks and I just shrug my shoulders.  Awsten and Patrick share a look before moving on.  "Maybe he has a test to make up or something." Patrick smiles.  Awsten goes on rambling about how stupid math class is and how he will never use his education a day in his life. My mind stays fixated on where Josh could be. I saw him earlier today so he would've told me if he had to make up a test.

"Maybe he's avoiding you because of last night." Nico's voice sounds bored. I just give him a confused look. "I'm just saying maybe you scared him off. Trying to cuddle with him and making him breakfast. It's weird you know."

I shake my head trying to dismiss his words.  I still can't shake the feeling that he has a point and I start to panic.  I feel my breathing picking up pace as Nico's words swirl around my head.  God I just want Josh to be here so I can prove Nico wrong.  Too bad he doesn't show.  All lunch period I sit there making little conversation with Awsten and Patrick.  I would normally walk with Josh to my next class but today I walk alone. 

"I'm telling you, Josh is avoiding you.  He doesn't want to see you." Nico repeats.

"Oh shut up." I mutter.

"I mean you don't have to listen to me but when you realize he hates you I'm going to laugh."

"Whatever."  I can feel the anger start to boil.

"I mean honestly how stupid could you be, thinking someone cool like Josh could ever be friends with a loser like you." He mocks.

"I'm not a loser and he is my friend."

"If he's your friend than why is he avoiding you?"  He keeps pushing me towards the edge and I crack.

"He's not avoiding me!"  I yell in the middle of the hall.  I can feel all eyes shifting to my direction.  They are staring me down into nothing, but the worst is the whispers.  The whispers hurt more than a knife.  I drop my gaze to the floor and quickly move forward towards my class.  I can hear Nico continue to mock me.  I just keep my eyes glued to the floor.  Honestly I didn't think things could get shittier from here but I was proven wrong.  Since my gaze was so fixated on the ground I didn't see the gorilla of a teenage boy walking toward me.  I bumped right into Kyle Fletchers. 

I'm starting to think I have a problem with not paying attention in the halls.  I fell flat on my ass and Kyle didn't even move an inch.  I feel  my breathing stops at the sight of Kyle towering above me. 

"Tyler Joseph, town crazy just tried to attack me as a side affects of his craziness." Kyles stupid voice rings.  His insults aren't even good or even bother me, it's his fist that do.

"I'm sorry."  I try to stand up but he just pushes me back down.

"Oh god this phycho is attacking me I better defend myself." That's when he kicks me.  The first blow of many to come.

"Please just let me go.  I don't think either of us want to be late."  The words stumble out of my mouth before I can even realize what I'm saying.

"Shut up Joseph!" He screams sending another blow right to my stomach.  "You're a little twerp that needs to be taught a lesson."

The bell rings announcing that I'm officially late to class.  Kyle picks me up by the shoulders and pins me up against the lockers.  He throws a punch right to my face.

"I see you running around here with you're new little friends.  What did you scare them into being friends with you or are they freaks just like you?"  Pain serges threw my abdomen as his fist makes contact again.  "I bet they are freaks like you.  With there colored hair and nerdy hats."

My anger starts to rise.  I'm perfectly fine with him attacking me but not my friends.

"Shut up!"  I yell without thinking.  The thought comes after I feel the rock of a fist hit my face.  I can feel blood dripping down the side of my face.

"You little freak.  Don't ever fucking talk to me like that!" I launch a ball of spit at him and it lands right on his cheek.  "You fucking queer, you asked for it now."

What follows that is a haze.  I remember pain all over.  I remember lying on the ground being kicked around like a soccer ball.  I remember someone stopping Kyle after what felt like an eternity but that's it. 


My head is killing me and the sound of a ringing bell doesn't help.  It hurts to even open my eyes but I do so anyways.  I recognize the small room as the nurses office.  I slowly try to sit up but find it to be a harder tasks than I expected.  I groan and that gets the attention of the nurse.  She slowly walks over to me.

"No no don't sit up."  I do as she says and lay back down.  It feels better to lay down anyways.  "I called both you're parents and so did the principal but neither of them answered.  Do you have anyone else we can call to come pick you up?" She asks and I shake my head no.

"What period is it?" I ask.

"That was the end of ninth."  She responds.  "Do you need any water or anything?"

"Can you grab my phone out of my backpack?"  My bag is sitting on a chair at the end of the bed I'm laying on.  She hands me my phone and I'm instantly overwhelmed with texts.  There are what seems like thousands of texts from the group chat.  Before I even have a chance to read them three people rush into the office.  The first one that runs over to me is a purple haired boy.

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