Chapter 27

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Tyler's POV

Josh leads me to the back of the school building.  There's a fence around some air conditioning thing and a pole leading up to the roof.  The pole has horizontal metal strips attaching it to the wall. 

"Josh what are we doing?" I ask. 

Josh looks back at me with a big smile.  "Just trust me." He turns back around and starts climbing the fence.  He gets up to the top of the fence which is about half way up the wall. 

"Josh you're going to get hurt." I tell him with a concerned look.  He laughs and starts to climb up the pole.  "Joshua that's not safe and I'm pretty sure it's illegal."  If he thinks I'm following him up there he's the crazy one.  He reaches the top and stand on the top of the flat school roof. 

"See it's easy, now it's your turn." He smiles down.  God he looks so cute. 

"Your fricken crazy Joshy.  Look at these noodle arms I'll fall and they'll snap.  You have nice big arms that don't snap like mine." I explain and Josh just laughs.  "It's the truth.  Do you want to be the reason I have two broken noodles."

"That won't happen.  If I thought you wouldn't be safe then I wouldn't ask you to come up here. I'll make sure you don't fall." Josh reassures me.

"Don't wimp out Ty, don't be a little baby." Brendon mocks.  I roll my eyes as I climb the fence.  The fence is the easy part, it's the pole I'm afraid I'll fall off of. Once I get to the top I stand on the fence looking up at Josh. 

"You are crazy Joshy." I tell him.

"And you love that about me." He smiles brightly.

"If I fall and die the I'm going to kill you." I respond.

"You won't fall and you won't die." He laughs. I place my hand on one of the metal strips and just stare at it.  "You've got this Ty." Josh reassures me.  I take a deep breath then start climbing.  I try to just imagine this as a ladder instead of a flimsy pole held up by thin metal plates.  I reach the top and can put my hand on the roof.  I smile at Josh.  "You got this babe." He smiles brightly.  As I put my foot on the final strip of metal my footing isn't fully stable as I try to step up.  My foot slips and I start to panic.  I don't know what to grab on to and can feel myself start to fall.  I feel Josh quickly grab my wrist and stop me from falling. "I got you.  I told you I wouldn't let you fall."

"Fuck." I mumble under my breath.  Josh helps me the rest of the way up.  I sigh a sigh of relief when my feet are safely on the roof.

"Are you okay?" Josh asks me.  I nod and smile.  "Good." He smiles back at me then places his hands on my waist.  He pulls me close to him and places his forehead on mine.  "You are so beautiful.  I can't believe you agreed to go out with me."

"I can't believe you asked me out." I reply.  Josh tilts my head up and kisses me on the lips.  A long loving kiss.  He pulls away and smiles.

"Time for some food." He moves away but continues to hold my hand as we walk on the roof.

"How is there food up here?"  I wonder.

"Just trust me.  We have to climb one more ladder." He says.  We reach a ladder leading up to the part of the building that has a second story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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