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''ask me if I do this every day, i said, often"

-the weekend


^^^^zach's apartment


''I still can't believe you did that.''  Corbyn spoke walking towards the next store. ''I'm suprised Jack didn't get mad!'' Daniel chimed in.

''Why did you even give him a hickey?'' Daniel asked.

''I don't fucking know anymore.'' Sighed Zach following the two boys into the next store.

After a lot of shopping all the boys were at the front door of Zach's apartment; Zach fumbling around with his keys.

''Don't judge.'' Zach spoke, finally getting the door open.

Once all three boys go in, the oldest two stood, mouths gaped open. ''Holy shit!'' Corbyn shouted looking around. ''This place is awsome!!'' Daniel admitted, plopping onto the sofa and looking out of the big window by the TV.

''Does your mum live here?'' Corbyn asked, trying to gather a conversation and plopping down next to Daniel.

Zach tensed, avoiding the question. ''Uh do you guys want popcorn or somethin?'' He mumbled pathetically hoping they would drop the topic. The two boys on the couch exchanged glances before dropping the topic.

''APPLE JUICE.'' Daniel screamed out making the other boys flinch. ''jEeZ oK.'' Zach laughed turning away and walking to his massive kitchen. To be quite honest, he didn't know what he would do without his dads secret savings. If his mum found out about that money she would probably kill Zach. And that wasn't an understatement. The woman would literally do anything for alcohol.

Giving Daniel his juice, he sat next to the two and put on a random movie.


It was now 1AM and Zach's friends left. Zach couldn't go to sleep and had just finished his homework. Sighing, Zach put on his black off white hoodie and stayed in his Nike sweat pants before putting on his hightop converse.

Grabbing his keys, he was out the door.

His hood up, and hands deep in his hoodie pocket he was walking around the dead city. Street lights on, and a couple of people here and there. Cold wind continuously blowing. This was Zach's type of thing.

Little did Zach know, Jack was also walking around the city; trying to get his mind of shit. Because lately, all Jack could think about was fucking Zach.

Jack caught a glimpce at a hooded figure leaning against a close building. Squinting in the darkness he realized it was Zach. His face illuminated by his phone and little strands of hair flying all over the place underneath his black hoodie. He was stunning.

Zach looked up, feeling someone looking at him and froze. Of course it was Jack fucking Avery and had to look hotter then ever. His ripped jeans, and his rolled up hoodie sleeves. He looked like he wasn't trying but he was pulling it the fuck off.

''What?'' Zach snapped, rolling his eyes and looking back down at his phone trying to avoid eye contact.

Jack took in a sharp breathe. What the fuck? Why is he nervous?

''Hey princess.'' Jack smirked, walking towards him, finally inches away from his flawless face.

Zach doesn't say a word, he looks up and smirks at the boy.

''Not using your words are you, princess?'' Jack teases, leaning down to the younger's neck, ''I know your not quite.''

Seeing as Zach, didn't move or seem uncomfortable, he connects his lips to Zach's neck leaving lingering kisses all over his skin and where his lips can touch.

Zach doesn't stop him, squeezing his eyes shut. He hates how just Jack's presence can make him feel weak at the knees. He fucking hates it.

Trying to supress a moan, zach gently pushes Jack away, and lays his head in his chest.

''We can't do this.'' Zach breathes out into his neck, wrapping his arms around his broad shoulder.

''We don't have to do anything, let me fuck you and get on with it.'' Jack chuckled.

Zach froze. Of course he wanted to get in his pants.

Zach felt anger build up inside of him and pushed Jack away, really fucking hard might I add.

Jack groaned, looking up and was basically fuming.

''What the actual fuck!?'' Jack shouted getting off the floor and lunging at Zach, trying to throw a punch at his cheek. Key word: Trying.

Zach saw it coming, dodging it, and shocking Jack. Zach tackled Jack to the ground, straddling his hips and began to throw punches his way; Jack dodging some and throwing just as many to Zach's face.

Thick, red blood now freely oozing out both boys' faces, Zach got up and looked at Jack who was on his elbows, still on the floor.

Zach felt his eye swelling up and sighed. Come on, another black eye? The last one he got was when his mother smashed her empty beer bottle at his head.

Both boys' bodies ached. ''Za-'' Jack started but was cut off when Zach left, and started walking back towards his home.

Monday here I fucking come!


Jack got off the now bloody floor, and sighed. His heart ached the most and he didn't know why the fuck it did. He always faught people and never thought about it twice. But now? Jack couldn't get Zach the fuck out of his head. Come to think about it, he hasn't hooked up with anyone since Zach came back.


SOOOOOOOO do u like it?

im sorry if i put too much swearing, tell me if i should stop<3


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