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thank you  for 5.5k angels


more jachary<<<


The bottle spun once again, landing on Zach causing 'oo's' to erupt from the circle of drunken teenagers.

Corbyn smirked looking at the younger. 

''I dare you to '7 minutes in heaven' with Avery.'' Corbyn snorted out.

Zachs eyes went wide and Daniel held in a gasp.  The rest of the group of drunken teenagers started to chant while Jack had a wide smirk plastered on his face. He got up from where he was sitting, next to Jonah and walked across the circle towards Zach who rolled his eyes.

''Shall we?'' Jack hummed, the damn smirk never leaving his face.

Everyone went silent waiting for an answer. After all, no one could say no to Jack Avery. 

''no.'' Zach responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, rolling his eyes and looking away.

 Jacks jaw tightened and yanked the smaller boy up, dragging him to the nearest room before he could say anything. Zach finally got out of his tight grasp looking around the dark room with his mind spinning, ''What the fu-'' Zach started but was cut off when he felt Jack's lips slam into his and felt as if the whole world fell around him.


hits like a bitch.


Zach didn't know why- didn't know when- but started kissing back just as fiercely, his hands messily tangling themselves in Jacks curls and Jacks bigs hands resting on his small waist, inching him impossibly closer. Zach held back a whimper, savouring Jacks god damn fucking taste. He didn't no what the fuck Jack had but it was intoxicating him far more then all those blunts he's had tonight. His heart felt like it was suffocating him in his throat.

He fucking hated it.

Why couldn't he push the fucker off of him?

Why couldn't he just walk the fuck away?

Did he miss him that much?

He felt the older boys growing bulge against his thigh and his tongue quickly sliding into his mouth and Zach felt that all too familiar rush of helplessness. fuck. he couldn't let him take advantage of him again. not ever again.

Reality hit Zach like a truck and pushed the older away, his heart never calming down and his body shaking. His cheeks were a tint of dark. He looked away, fixing up his messed up hair in the process, his breathing still rapid.

He could hear Jacks ragged breathes. fuck fuck fuck.

''fuck was that for?'' Jack grumbled, dragging his hands down his face.

''pretty sure its been seven minutes fuckhead, and dragging me into here dosn't change shit.'' 

''says the one who kissed me back?'' jack hummed. Zach couldn't see his face through the darkness but he knew a stupid fucking smirk was on his face. how much was he to bet.

''my bad avery, forgot how bad of a kisser you are.'' Zach retorted back.


Jack was such good a damn kisser.

what the fuck is going on?

he was way to fucking high.

before Jack could reply with anything smart he yanked the door open and slammed it shut, causing the latter to jump. He slammed his fists on the wooden bedside table, ''FUCK!''.


Zach rushed through dancing teenagers until he found Corbyn and Daniel sitting in the same circle he was in minutes before.

He grabbed them by there arms and rushed out of the blaring house, his body still shaking and his mind determined.

''What?'' Daniel asked looking at Zach, Corbyn doing the same.

''Lets play dress up.''


''what time is it?'' Daniel groaned, stuffing his face deeper into the pillow.

He looked up groggily and noticed no one was around him. He didn't know where he even was. He swung his legs over the couch he seemed to have dozed off on and felt something underneath him. 

He looked down and chuckled, looking at Corbyn and Zach and lying on top of eachother messily with mouths opened slightly.

Realization blew over him as he took in his surroundings and the throbbing pain in his head wouldn't stop hammering in his skull.

He kicked corbyn with a smirk when he heard him let out a hollow groan and shift over to his side, which was on Zach. ''Fucking hell.'' the youngest grunted, slowly drifting back to sleep. Corbyn was now halfawake, leaning on the couch and rubbing his eyes.

''Zach dipshit get up we got fucking school.'' Daniel yawned throwing a pillow in Zachs direction.  ''mm 5 more minutes''

They were already late and Daniel knew that without having to check the time. He rolled his eyes and got off the couch. Last night was a blur.

He stretched his arms out as he walked towards the bathroom, making an 'unhuman' sound. He needed to freshen up. He went to walk to the sink and his eyes went wide. ''Holy fuck..'' daniel mumbled looking at his reflection in the large mirror hanging proudly.

His hair was a shade of blue and two new found pericings were found in his right ear. One at the bottom and one in his cartilage. Oh and he didn't miss the tattoo on his neck, covered with plastic wrap. Fuck.


he continued to observe himself in the mirror. What was he gonna tell her parents? better yet, how was he meant to go to school?

Finally two boys were standing in the door way, sleep still with them and bored eyes. Until, they saw blue hair. on daniels head. thats new.

''you look good.'' corbyn approved. 

''fuck corbyn this is serious- what will my parents say huh? how the fuck will i got to school?''

''ok one, school cant do shit to you, two tell your mum you wanted a change, i mean plain old Daniel seavey was innocent looking.'' Zach smirked giving him a light punch to the elbow and caught a glimpse of himself.

He had a nose ring. fuck. His hair was now slightly curled in the edges, and had earings hanging down both ears, he could see irrated red screen on his wrist and inspected it closer. surprise surprise. tattoo anyone? ''Bro you have one behind your ear too'' Daniel trailed off. 

''You looking fucking sick!'' He laughed Zach only let a lazy smile sit on his face before turning completely to Corbyn. 

What the fuck even happened last night?

''IS THAT YOU CORBYN?'' Daniel screamed.

Corbyn thought he was being over dramatic until her walked to the mirror with wide eyes. crap.

He had a very visible tattoo on his arm and at least three earings on his left ear.

''What the fuck happened last night?''


i updated <3

sorry couldn't add donah it would make the chpater 10x longer

comment and vote cayse yk this is over 1k words🤡

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