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''Who are you?

'Cause you're not the girl, I fell in love with, baby
Who are you?''


-lauv ft BTS


''Fuck you too.'' Jack sneered, sliding down the wall.

The cell was quite small, having white stone walls and metal bars that would be impossible to break. Just like the movies.

Zach sighed, sitting down across for Jack.

A few minutes of threating silence later, the women police officer arrived. ''You guys have been bought here for public violence.'' She spoke loudly, her voice echoing through the cell walls.

''What violence?'' Zach asked slowly, returning his hood back on his face. ''Last week, at around 3AM security footage was shown of you two fighting the living out of eachother, blood is still stained on the concreate.'' She spoke, looking at the two through the cells.

''No one was fucking there man.'' Jack muttered looking at her.

''If you continue this attitude, your gonna regret it trust me.'' She smirked, walking away.

''Fuck that.''


It's been at least a couple of hours and Zach was wide awake, Jack being half asleep. A couple of minutes later, footsteps could be heard echoing through the quiet hallway. Jack looked up and instantly recognized the features. He abruptly shuffled to get up from his current position and straightened himself up. Zach rolled his eyes at the actions and looked away. Imagine having a dad. pffffttt.

Jack's dad soon arrived a few feet away from the cell, his face expressionless. He stayed silent, observing Jack, not once taking a glance at Zach. Zach stood up. ''What's this shit about?'' He laughed coldly taking both males off guard. ''Can't you be a decent human for 5 fucking minutes or is that too much to ask for?'' Jack growled.

Mr Avery stood still and fixed up his expensive tie. More footsteps could be heard, making all 3 males turn to look at who they belonged to. A male police officer could be seen.

''Jack Avery,'' the officer started, ''Your free to go.'' Jack only smirked at the news, taking a glance at Zach's hooded body. ''Zach Herron, we have unsettling news.''

Zach rolled his eyes. ''Your mum has also been arrested for taking part in a murder.'' Jack's eyes went wide, and a barley audible chuckle could be heard coming from Mr Avery. Jack shot his dad a look of confusion and Zach felt his whole body become stiff, his heartbeat increasing and his palms becoming sweaty. His eyes started to water making his vision blurry and everyone went dead silent. Even though they couldn't see Zach's face, they noticed his body tense.

Zach cleared his throat, he wasn't about to let anyone know how it affected him. They didn't know what his 'mum' has done to him. Zach was honestly surprised he's still alive after all those beatings and self harm.

''Am I free to fucking go or nah? cause last time i checked I didn't kill anyone.'' he scoffed. 

''Your free to go.''


3 hours later,

''Are you sure you can come bro? I mean you did just get arrested.'' Corbyn asked observing Zach put on his black denim jacket. ''It's fine, not the first time anyway. Plus i need to get my mind off shit.''

''Well, we don't know what happened bro, but hope your alright.'' Daniel spoke up with a small smile. ''I'll tell yous soon enough.'' Zach replied back, putting on his beat up converse.

All three boys made there way out of Zach's apartment and headed into the elevator.

They arrived at the massive house, music being heard from two blocks away, passed out teenagers laying on the front lawn, and colorful lights could bee seen through the huge windows on the house.

Corbyn let out a groan, getting out of the drivers seat, followed by the other two boys. Daniel was bubbled up with excitement as they were walking to the front door. ''Damn,'' Zach chuckled, ''haven't been to a party is ages.''

Daniel looked down at Zach with a mortified expression before grabbing his wrist and rushing him to the door, Corbyn following behind like a lost puppy.

All three teenagers walked in, music thumping in the house and teenagers grinding against eachother. Red cups laying everywhere, yet not one piece of furniture seemed out of place. Corbyn and Zach scrunched up their noses in disgust at the scent of alcohol. Daniel only grinned dragging both boys behind him through the sea of people towards the drinks. He filled three cups up with an unknown substance and Corbyn hesitantly took it eyeing Daniel who was already chugging it.

''Uh- I don't drink bro.'' Zach spoke above the music.

''whattt? you smoke tho?'' Daniel questioned.

Zach only rolled his eyes grabbing a cigar from the inside of his jacket pocket.

''Got a lighter?''

''Of course.'' Daniel pulled out a lighter and lit Zach's blunt. ''Ight ima head off and see what's going down.'' 

''Ima find Christina.''

and that was it.

Zach was left alone near alcohol with a cigar in between his fingers. ''What now?'' he mumbled. to himself, leaning against a white wall, over looking the living room where teenagers continued to dance against one another and scream there lungs out.

Sometimes Zach wishes he was happy like that. Even tho he knows thats not real happiness. It was just 'happiness' that lasted one night due to drugs and alcohcol. 

''son of a murder?'' Someone hummed behind him making Zach abruptly turn around.

There Jack stood with a smirk painted against his lips, eyes twinkling with.. excitement?

''Im not in the mood Avery.'' Zach spat.

''I'm in the mood for you.''



ill be updaiting more cause this virus shit is keeping me locked inside:3

this was kinda a filler thoo

commentttttt and vote 🥺

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