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"You can go ahead and call me selfish, but after all this damage I can't help it"

- Ariana Grande

- Needy

^^Song gets me in my damn feels

sorry for not posting as much as i used to, school fucking sucks.


Zach got home to his apartment and slammed the door shut. He was pissed. Jack was always fucking things up, including his face.

Sighing, the brunette walked into the bathroom to observe the damage. Hm, few cuts on his cheek bones, a brusing black eye, busted lip and a ugly looking bruise on his stomach and blo0d stained every where. Not the worst he's had.

Zach stripped down and went into his way to big shower, relaxing once the warm water hits his tense muscles.

Rinsing out the final pieces of soap, he stepped out of the now foggy glass shower and wrapped himself up in a white towel observing himself once more in the foggy mirror. His face wasn't as bad anymore. There wasn't blood stained all over him and his bruises looked healthier and less dark. hm, good enough.

Picking up his blood stained clothes, he chucked them into the hamper on his way to his room and walked through his quiet and dark apartment.

Reaching his room, the pale brunette quickly got changed into some sweats and a random shirt before plopping onto his bed which was heaven right about now.

Slightly cringing when his face touched the pillow, he let out a small huff and shut off his light.

3 hours of sleep really couldn't do much anyway.


Groaning, Zach slams his alarm clock. He was tired as fuck. Yawning the small brunette remembers he had a math test today. After a long debate with himself, he finally dragged himself out of his comforter and makes his way towards his overly big bathroom; finishing his hair, washing his face carfully and brushing his teeth.

Deciding on a plaid flannel, white shirt and ripped jeans, he put on his loved, worn out converse he stuffed in his weed and ciggys. Also skipping breakfast he grabbed an apple and skateboard.

Taking his time walking towards the elevator while biting his apple he pulled out his phone. After an akawrd time in the elevator Zach dropped his skateboard on the road and was on his way to school. He was already late enough, nothing really could happen to a scholarship student except a couple of detentions or suspensions.

He kicked up his board and grabbed what he needed for English and walked through the silent hallways, only teachers loud voices to be heard.

Reaching his class he opened the door, blunt still in his mouth. Shit.

Eyes wondered towards him and were staring at him in shock. The teacher didn't look up; ''Your late.'' After not getting an answer and finally relasing everyone's state of shock the teacher looked up, also in disbelief. Jack just sat there with a semi and smirking at the small brunette. Zach caught his gaze and rolled his eyes.

''Oh my god! Take that t-thing out of your mouth now!!'' The old lady shouted. ''Chill it's just a blunt.'' Retorted Zach calmly. After seeing her face fume he rolled his eyes.

''Fucking hell chill, ill throw it out.'' Zach sighed, obviously frustrated. He took one last breath in from the stick and let it out. Everyone still watching silently.

And on his way to his seat he chucked out his precious blunt and went to sit on the right left corner; opposite the window.

The teacher rubbed her wrinckly forhead and took in a deep breathe before continuing the lesson. 

Jack looked at the brunette who seemed to be in a different universe. He really has chnaged and Jack couldn't contain himself. He wasn't gonna give up on him.

Zach felt a pair of eyes on him which made him shiver. He looked to his left and saw Jack. Damn he really did fuck up his face.

Jack's lip was busted and had scratches on his cheeks. Pretty good.

Zach trailed his eyes down to his neck. Were they bruises?

Looking at them a few seconds more, he realized they were hickeys. Fucking hickeys of course. He felt like his chest stopped moving for a second. He almost felt heartbroken? No, no never again.

He didn't realize he was staring until he heard an annoying whiny bitch strutted over to his desk. ''Hey Zach.'' They blonde girl said seductivley, leaning on the table letting her breasts show on full view of Zach.

The brunette nearly lost his cool until he saw Jack's mad state. Eyebrows togther almost as if he was confused, clentching his fists tightly becoming white and his knee bouncing up and down at a rapid pace.  He was hot.

Zach mentally threw up and went with it. ''Hey, what's your name?'' Zach asked trying to start a conversation while plastering his fake smirk on his flawless face.

''I'm Kay, i think you should meet me after school by my car.'' She smiled inncoently, batting her eyebrows like she got a fly in them or something. Zach rolled his eyes before saying a yes. This was going to suck.

The teacher looked up at Zach and started  telling him off infront of the whole class about taking his education more seriously and how smoking is getting him a detention.

The bell rings through the school, perfectly hitting Zach's eardurms. He stands up with his bag and sighs. ''Well, Miss, we are sadly going to have to part ways.'' Zach chuckled quietly. The whole class watches as he approaches the door. The teacher's mouth wide open for the third time this lesson and Jack's face filled with amusement. ''See you tomorrow." He salutes with his two right fingers and winks at the class.

Jack was  going to get to him.


Jonah walks down the hallway confident. Freshman cower in fear, Juniors glare at him. Seniors high five him and fist bump him. Jonah walks down the hallway one of the kings of the school.

He walks into the noisy cafetria in search of his bestfreind. Found him.

He walked towards his curly haired bestfriend and sat next to him doing a 'bro handshake' typa thing and started talking about random subjects until Jack got a call. He stood up, pushing the faux blonde girl that was sitting on his lap and walked a good distance away before accepting the call and putting the phone on his ear.

''Hey Blake.'' Jack spoke through the line, ''Whatsup?''

''Well, you got a fight at 12 today, kids called dark night or some shit, don't know. So dude, you in or nah?'' Jack's bestfreind, Blake spoke.

''Got nothin' better to do, yeah count me in.''

''Alright cya soon bro.'' Blake ended the call, leaving Jack smirking. This was gonna be good.

Jack went back to sit at there table and told Jonah that he was busy tonight and couldn't come over.








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