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''Mold a pretty lie for you
Love it's so mad, love it's so mad
Love you so bad, love you so bad''

-fake love




''NOW MIST WILL BE FIGHTING AVERY!" The commentator shouted into the mic making the rough crowd go wild. ''Whoever wins gets $10000!'' He once again announced causing every one to yet again go wild.

Zach took in a deep breathe, putting on his black face mask and got up into the ring. He couldn't let Jack know he was going to fight him. He couldn't give less fuck about him right now. It was him vs Jack in a match. Nothing more. It's not like they haven't fought before.

''JACK AVERY!'' He shouted making Jack come up into the ring with his cocky grin and bare torso. Fuck.

''3, 2, 1, FIGHT!''

Then it started. ''Nice eyes misty.'' Jack retorted at the fact he was wearing a mask. ''Fuck off rich boy.'' Zach sneered back throwing the first right hook to his face, crowd going wild. 

They started to circle each-other, throwing nasty comments at each-other and even nastier punches until Zach was on the floor, nearly passed out and blood seeping through both boy's faces.



Zach got out of the ring, embarrassed and sore as fuck. Bleeding everywhere, he went into the chaining rooms while he heard Jack's footsteps behind him.

''You pretty good other then the fact you hid you face.'' Jack laughed coldly. ''Who the fuck even are you? haven't seen a pretty boy like you here.'' Jack added with a cocky smirk.

Zach didn't reply, still pissed off at the fact he didn't win against Jack fucking Avery. He's always had things better. ''Answer when I talk to you fuckhead.'' Jack growled.

The smaller boy couldn't be fucked anymore. Ignoring Jacks glare, he grabbed his gym bag and ran out to the back door. It was 2AM and it was freezing.

Zach let his face relax and closed his eyes, looking out into the dark sky, feeling the chilly wind blow through his sweaty forhead and blood stained face. 

Groaning, he remembered he didn't have a ride and he was NOT about to ask Jack for one even if he meant he had to fucking die.

He grabbed his phone from his gym bag and dialled a number.

''Heyyyy Daniii.'' Zach spoke guiltly through the phone.

''Its fucking 3am dude what do you want?'' Daniel groaned through the phone, voice hoarse obviously being awaken from his peaceful slumber.

''I need a ride.'' Zach sobbed through the the phone. He couldn't hold it in anymore. He needed someone. anyone. just someone to be there for him after all these years. even if it was a friend he met a couple of days ago. he. needed. someone

''Oh my god, shh it's okay just send me your address dude.'' 

Zach ended the call and texted him the tattoo shop.


''Why were you there at 3am?'' Daniel questioned keeping his eyes on the road but slightly glanced at Zach. He still hadn't noticed the blood because of how dark it was and the smaller boy thanked all the lords.

''i-i'll tell you when we get to my place.''


Opening his apartment door, Zach turned on the lights and invited Daniel in causing him to let out a gasp. ''holy fuck! ZACH YOUR BLEEDING.'' Daniel screeched out grabbing his arms and rushing him to his bathroom.

BAD BOYS - jacharyWhere stories live. Discover now